Monday 30 April 2018

Holland Park 4121 QLD Australia Personal Trainer Alan Lewis Blob Spot Article PICK Hard On Fitness Wednesday 2nd May 2018

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Hard On Fitness
Article Review
We invite you to check out this fascinating article.

The Mum friends on Facebook you wish you could de-friend

Anyone who has spent five minutes on Facebook can recognise a cringe-worthy friend. But when it comes to motherhood, sadly those mummy friends manage to highlight the traits of those that in the real world we'd have bugger all time for. You know the ones I'm referring to; the drama queens, the sticky beaks the know-it alls and, in your heart of hearts you long to block them – and yet the repercussions of seeing them at the next mothers' gathering when they realised they've been banished to the ' Read the full story

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