Sunday 8 April 2018

Alan Lewis Personal Trainer Holland Park 4121 QLD Australia Article PICk Hard On Fitness Monday9th April 2018

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Hard On Fitness
Article Review
We invite you to check out this fascinating article.

This Disturbing Photo Will Make You Think Twice Before Using A Hand Dryer
Women's Health

Public bathrooms are generally considered to be pretty disgusting—but we bet you thought the hand dryers were the least of your problems. Well, Nichole Ward took it upon herself to perform a little experiment: She stuck a petri dish in the open plate of a hand dryer for three minutes, and then took a picture of that dish a few days later. "This here, is what grew in a petri dish after just a few days," Nichole wrote. "I stuck the open plate in an enclosed hand dryer of a public bathroom for a Read the full story

Shared from Apple News

This Disturbing Photo Will Make You Think Twice Before Using A Hand Dryer
Women's Health

Public bathrooms are generally considered to be pretty disgusting—but we bet you thought the hand dryers were the least of your problems. Well, Nichole Ward took it upon herself to perform a little experiment: She stuck a petri dish in the open plate of a hand dryer for three minutes, and then took a picture of that dish a few days later. "This here, is what grew in a petri dish after just a few days," Nichole wrote. "I stuck the open plate in an enclosed hand dryer of a public bathroom for a Read the full story

Shared from Apple Newsµ

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