Monday 30 April 2018

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Physical activity is a 'wonder drug' for your health — but you might not realise just how wonderful

How to move more: A slow and steady guide to increasing your physical activity If some genius invented a wonder drug that helped you lose weight and keep it off, slashed your risk of chronic disease, prevented and treated mental health issues, extended your lifespan, and could be obtained for free — you would definitely take it. But that wonder drug already exists. It's called physical activity. "The term 'wonder drug' seems like an overstatement, but it's not," says the Heart Foundation's Read the full story

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'The signs that made me realise I was in an emotionally abusive relationship'

Emotional abuse doesn't always look the way you think it will. It's not terribly difficult to tell if your relationship is physically abusive, but when it comes to emotional abuse, the signs are not always as clear. Emotional abuse is often used to gain control and can include constant criticism, gaslighting, threats, shaming, name-calling or simply ignoring. This kind of abuse can be devastating to the victim and can also lead to depression, anxiety, substance abuse and also PTSD. According to Read the full story

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The Mum friends on Facebook you wish you could de-friend

Anyone who has spent five minutes on Facebook can recognise a cringe-worthy friend. But when it comes to motherhood, sadly those mummy friends manage to highlight the traits of those that in the real world we'd have bugger all time for. You know the ones I'm referring to; the drama queens, the sticky beaks the know-it alls and, in your heart of hearts you long to block them – and yet the repercussions of seeing them at the next mothers' gathering when they realised they've been banished to the ' Read the full story

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Sunday 29 April 2018

Holland Park 4121 QLD Australia Personal Trainer Alan Lewis Blog Spot Article PICK Tuesday 1st May 2018

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Sudden Cardiac Death in Athletes - a brief overview | The Science of Sport
The Science of Sport

Sudden cardiac death is the subject of my latest #fourminutemull, and it's a lousy, horrible, no-good topic. It gets discussed, or though about, in the most tragic of circumstances, because it invariably means that a young, athletic person has died participating in sport. Everything else is made trivial by comparison. The latest of these tragic cases is Michael Goolaerts, a 23-year old Belgian Pro cyclist who died of cardiac arrest competing in Paris-Roubaix on Sunday. The specifics remain Read the full story

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Pacing physiology and the limit to performance: A #fourminute mull | The Science of Sport
The Science of Sport

Here's my latest #fourminutemull, and it's a trip down memory lane, because it covers the physiology of pacing strategy and the limit of human performance, which is the subject I studied for my PhD. The bit at the end is something I always found enormously interesting. Having analysed the pacing strategy of the middle and long distance track world records, I never got round to this "era analysis" (watch the video) in a scientific paper, but it was one of the more interesting things I noted in Read the full story

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Is It A Cold Sore Or A Pimple? Here's How To Tell
Women's Health

Pimples and cold sores have a LOT in common. They love to pop up at inconvenient times (like right before a date), they thrive on stress, and they can be a b*tch to cover up. And when they pop up near your lips, they can also look identical. Literally the worst form of squad goals. So how do you tell the difference between a cold sore or pimple? First, you need to understand their causes. Pimples are the result of inflammation caused by clogged pores and bacteria. Hormones can play a major role Read the full story

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Alan Lewis Personal Trainer Blog Spot Article PICK Hard Holland Park 4121 QLD Australia Monday 30th April 2018

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Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Might Be Up To 10 Times More Common Than Experts Thought
Women's Health

Cue the inevitable mom guilt: A scary new study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that more children are affected by fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASDs), a group of conditions caused by drinking during pregnancy, than doctors previously thought. The cross-sectional study assessed 13,146 first-graders in four different regions in the U.S. between 2010 and 2016, and found that at least one in 20 American kids lands somewhere in the spectrum of fetal alcohol Read the full story

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Alan Lewis Personal Trainer Blog Spot Article PICK Hard On Fitness Holland Park 4121 QLD Australia Monday 30th April 2018

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'My Bloating Turned Out To Be Ovarian Cancer'
Women's Health

October 15, 2017, was the worst and best day of my life. The week before that fateful day, I was feeling pretty good about my life. Several years prior, I'd escaped an abusive marriage, put myself though nursing school, graduated with my R.N., and gotten a great job as a nurse. My five kids were adjusting well. And, after three years of being divorced, I'd finally met someone I could see myself being with forever. Sure, things weren't perfect. I'd recently gained about 15 pounds, and the Read the full story

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Alan Lewis Personal Trainer blog Spot Article PICK Hard On Fitness Holland Park 4121 QLD Australia Monday 30th April 2018

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Four minute mull: Concussion, policy and awareness | The Science of Sport
The Science of Sport

Today's fourminutemull today is a continuation of the concussion theme that I raised in Episode 2 last week. I wanted to share with you some additional points, that I think are quite important to this subject Specifically, I wanted to circle back to a graph that I used in that Episode to argue for why it's so important for us to drive changes in the sport that will reduce the concussion risk. That graph showed a large increase in concussion incidence over the last decade in professional rugby, Read the full story

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Friday 27 April 2018

Alan Lewis Personal Trainer Blog Spot Article PICK Hard On Fitness Holland Park 4121 QLD Australia Saturday 28th April 2018

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Study Says Diabetics Should Eat a Big Breakfast If They Want to Lose Weight—But There's a Catch
Cooking Light

If you have type 2 diabetes, changing the time of your biggest meal might help you shed pounds. Read the full story

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Thursday 26 April 2018

Personal Trainer Holland Park 4121 QLD Australia Alan Lewis Blog Spot Article PICK Hard On Fitness Saturday 28th April 2018

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I Have a Chronic Pain Syndrome Dubbed the 'Suicide Disease'—Here's How I've Learned to Embrace Life

Eight years ago, Amberly Lago survived a horrific motorcycle accident that shattered her right leg. Read the full story

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10 Frozen Vegetables to Keep on Hand—and Tasty Ways to Use Them

These picks from the frozen aisle make it easier to eat more veggies. Read the full story

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Brisbane Australia Holland Park 4121 QLD Personal Trainer Alan Lewis Blog Spot Article Pick For Friday 27th April 2018

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7 Foods to Keep in Your Pantry for Quick-and-Easy Weeknight Dinners

Stock up on these staples and you'll always be able to throw together a meal. Read the full story

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7 Ways to Get Rid of Pink Eye

Conjunctivitis often goes away on its own, but these medications and home remedies can help speed things along. Read the full story

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Who am I? How cells find their identity
Science Magazine

The research group of Alex Schier, Director of the Biozentrum, University of Basel, has investigated more closely how a single embryonic cell develops into a heart, nerve or blood cell. For the first .. Read the full story

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Wednesday 25 April 2018

Alan Lewis Personal Trainer Blog Spot Article PICK Hard On fitness Holland Park 4121 QLD Australia Thursday 26th April 2018

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Here's How to Get Rid of Those Tiny Red Bumps on Your Arms

Those annoying bumps on your arms are usually (although not always) caused by a skin condition called keratosis pilaris. Here, derms share their best tricks to get rid of KP for good. Read the full story

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Having a fat belly DOUBLES the risk of heart attack or stroke
Daily Mail

Having a belly that is bigger than your waist makes you two-fold more likely to have a major heart even than if you were just overweight or obese, according to new Mayo Clinic research. Read the full story

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Teenagers' eyes reveals their future heart-disease risk
Daily Mail

Researchers from The Westmead Institute for Medical Research, Australia, found that for every one point increase in a person's health quality-of-life, their retinal vessels narrow by 0.00005mm, Read the full story

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Thursday 19 April 2018

Alan Lewis Personal Trainer Blog Spot Article PICK Hard On fitness Holland Park 4121 QLD Australia Friday 20th April 2018

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Heart Health Month: 10 Simple Ways To Boost Your Heart Health | Healthy

There are an estimated 7 million people living with cardiovascular disease in the UK. Often thought of as a male issue, heart disease actually kills twice as many women each year as breast cancer. But with some easy lifestyle tweaks, we can all help reduce our risk. This heart health month, protect yourself with these simple tips: 1 Limit salt A high-salt diet can increase the risk of developing high blood pressure, yet most adults are eating more than the recommended maximum of 6g a day, so Read the full story

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Personal Trainer Alan Lewis Blog Spot Article PICK Hard On fitness Holland Park 4121 QLD Australia Friday 20th April 2018

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How To Dodge a Winter Virus This Christmas | Healthy

Twinkling lights, crackling fires, steaming mugs of cocoa… and the inevitable runny nose. Yep, winter is here, so it's prime time for colds, flu and the dreaded norovirus. A whopping 47 per cent of us say we fall ill more often in the winter months, according to research from Bio-tiful Dairy. And it always seems to happen when we stop for the Christmas holidays. This year, don't let sore throats and sniffles ruin your festive season and stay healthy with our top tips: Practise your handy work Read the full story

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Supercharge Your Immune System | Unbeelievable Health

Sniffle season is here – the time of year when our days become an assault course of germs, and public transport leaves as exposed to bugs like a sitting duck! However, there are many measures we can take to help avoid the risk of being struck down by colds and flu. Nutritionist Angelique Panagos, says: 'At this time of year, I make every effort to stay well by eating well (there are plenty of wonderful foods packed full of immune-boosting nutrients to help keep fighting fit), by upping my Read the full story

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Wednesday 18 April 2018

Holland Park 4121 QLD Australia Personal Trainer Alan Lewis Article PICK April 20th 2018

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World Sleep Day: 7 Bed Hygiene Blunders | Healthy

You know that wonderful feeling of drifting into a blissful sleep between clean, crisp bed sheets? Well, apparently, not many of us do. New research from Dreams dishes the dirt on our bed hygiene habits, and it makes for some pretty shameful reading. Make sure you're not one of the dirty bed dwellers making these mistakes: 1 Short change Over half of us (52 per cent) know that we should be changing the bed weekly as recommended, yet shockingly almost 70 per cent don't do this. The dirtiest Read the full story

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Do You Know The Symptoms of Ovarian Cancer? | Healthy

In the UK over 7300 women are diagnosed with ovarian cancer every year, and it's the sixth most common cancer among women. Although most common in post-menopausal women, it can affect women of any age. We all know what our ovaries do, what they are for, how they work and what to do if we are concerned, right? Wrong. In fact, many women are unsure of what symptoms to look out for. To shed some vital light on ovarian cancer, we spoke with Tracie, a gynaecology oncology specialist nurse from Read the full story

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Eating Disorders Awareness Week: 10 mind-changing facts

Eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia affect a startling 1.25 million of us in the UK, with an average of 149 weeks passing before those experiencing eating disorder symptoms seek help. As such, it's important to get clued up. Here, consultant psychiatrist Dr Mark Silvert busts the misconceptions around eating disorders: 1 Eating disorders have the highest mortality rate of any mental illness – higher even than depression. This is both from suicide and from medical complications associated Read the full story

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Tuesday 17 April 2018

Holland Park 4121 QLD Australia Personal Trainer Alan Lewis Blog Spot PICK Hard On Fitness Wednesday 18th April 2018

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13 Undeniable Traits of an INFJ Personality Type
POPSUGAR Australia

When I first read about my personality type, I felt like someone had written the description as a personal letter to me. Every word hit the nail on the head and actually helped me understand myself better than ever before. Read the full story

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Your immune system holds the line against repeat invaders, thanks to this molecule
Science Magazine

Credit: Scott Wiseman/The Scripps Research Institute JUPITER, FL--April 17, 2018--Memory T cells are a critical element of our immune system's historical archive. To prevent repeat infections, these cells retain a record of germs they've.. Read the full story

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OncoDNA announces publication of peer-reviewed study in Oncotarget assessing the utility of its uniq
Science Magazine

Credit: Jean-François Laes, email: Gosselies, Belgium - April 17, 2018: OncoDNA ("OncoDNA or "the Company"), the healthcare technology company that collates and translates compl.. Read the full story

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Monday 16 April 2018

Alan Lewis Personal Trainer Blog Spot Article PICK Hard On Fitness Holland Park 4121 QLD Australia Tuesday 17th April 2018

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Healthy Lunch Ideas That Aren't Salad | Reader's Digest
Reader's Digest

Asian-Style Farro Buddha Bowl with Crispy Baked Tofu A healthy lunch idea from Jessica Levinson, MS, RDN makes an all-in-one balanced meal filled with whole grains, vegetables, and lean protein. It's an easy make-ahead meal, and you can individualize it depending on your taste preferences. Baking the tofu at a high temperature will give you a crispy outside without the added calories and fat from frying. This meal is bursting with vitamin A from sweet potatoes and vitamin C from Brussels Read the full story

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The foods that will keep your brain healthy AND prevent dementia
Daily Mail

Dr. Lisa Mosconi has detailed the foods people should be eating to prevent cognitive decline and achieve optimal brain health. Read the full story

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Diet and Depression: Are They BFFs?
The Root

Big, bloated, unhappy and depressed? There's a link between diet and depression, according to new findings reported by the Wall Street Journal. Bottom line: If you're eating wrong, diet can become depression's best friend. Eat right, and diet and happiness become BFFs. Read the full story

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How Cardiologists Diagnose Heart Failure

The sooner you know you have heart failure, the sooner you can be treated. The term "heart failure" makes it sound like your heart has completely stopped working. A scary thought, yes, but it's absolutely not true. More than 6 million Americans are living with heart failure; over 900,000 new cases are diagnosed each year. Heart failure is a very manageable and treatable condition. Heart failure occurs when the heart muscle has weakened and can't pump blood well enough to meet the body's needs. " Read the full story

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Booze Not So Great For The Heart After All, Study Says
Gizmodo Australia

SCIENCE & HEALTH It might take less alcohol than we think to damage the heart and shorten our lifespans, suggests a new study published in The BMJ. For many, the threshold might be fewer than one drink a day. Drink to your heart's content, but know that even moderate drinking might be bad for it. Photo: annca (Pixabay) Using existing population data, the researchers studied over 600,000 people across 19 countries and separated them into different groups, based on their self-reported level of Read the full story

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National call for heart disease study
SBS News

The Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute is leading the largest national study looking at the impact of a family history on heart disease. Read the full story

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Thursday 12 April 2018

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Breakfast on mixed berries to beat that afternoon slump - Healthy Food Guide
Healthy Food Guide

New research suggests a mix of berries for breakfast could help you stay alert for longer. Eating a bowl of mixed berries in the morning may improve your concentration for up to six hours, helping to avoid tiredness in the afternoons. Research by the University of Reading tested 40 adults aged 20 to 30, who consumed either a drink containing a mix of 75g (1 portion) each of strawberries, raspberries, blackberries and blueberries, or a placebo. The adults were then assessed on a computer-based Read the full story

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Older drinkers – a worrying trend… - Healthy Food Guide
Healthy Food Guide

These days we're accustomed to seeing images in the press of youngsters falling out of pubs in our city centres, and even crawling along pavements, but statistics are highlighting a quite different story when it comes to the UK's national drinking habits. Latest figures reveal that it is, in fact, the over-50s who have a pattern of drinking to harmful levels. And, while youngsters appear to be reigning in their excesses around booze, according to the charity Drink Wise, Age Well, approximately Read the full story

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Who should be taking supplements and why is it important to be cautious?
Healthy Food Guide

We're a nation that buys into supplements big time – but do we need them? Nutrition editor Amanda Ursell pinpoints the groups who can benefit from boosting their diet – and explains when we need to be more cautious With almost half of all Brits taking some form of vitamin or mineral on a daily basis – a figure that rises to 65% when occasional users are included – it's not surprising that sales of supplements top £414 million every year in the UK. So who's taking them, and why? It's the ' Read the full story

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Wednesday 11 April 2018

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Could you be napping your way to an early grave?
Australian Men's Health

COULD YOU BE NAPPING YOUR WAY TO AN EARLY GRAVE? Science just discovered a strange link between naps and diabetes. Before you flake on the couch, read this COULD YOU BE NAPPING YOUR WAY TO AN EARLY GRAVE? Science just discovered a strange link between naps and diabetes. Before you flake on the couch, read this Men's Health Alisa Hrustic 7/29/2016 11:39 AM 7/29/2016 11:55 AM Pull your head out from under the covers: taking long naps might increase your risk of heart problems and diabetes, a new Read the full story

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The City2Surf Is Back! Sign Up Now
Australian Men's Health

THE CITY2SURF IS BACK! SIGN UP NOW Lacking motivation? Setting yourself a fitness goal is the perfect way to get back on track THE CITY2SURF IS BACK! SIGN UP NOW Lacking motivation? Setting yourself a fitness goal is the perfect way to get back on track Men's Health MH Staff 7/28/2016 11:05 AM 7/28/2016 11:05 AM The City2Surf is back for its 45th year. Every year the world famous 14km run attracts thousands from around the globe. The run starts in Sydney's CBD and weaves it way to a beautiful Read the full story

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4 Foods That Can Naturally Lower Your Cholesterol
Australian Men's Health

4 FOODS THAT CAN NATURALLY LOWER YOUR CHOLESTEROL And the best ways to slip them into your everyday diet 4 FOODS THAT CAN NATURALLY LOWER YOUR CHOLESTEROL And the best ways to slip them into your everyday diet Men's Health Chris Mohr 7/28/2016 12:40 PM 7/28/2016 12:40 PM Certain foods have been linked to a decrease in heart disease by lowering your LDL ("bad") cholesterol. Here are four of my favourite cholesterol-fighting foods. If your blood pressure levels are pre-hypertensive (120/80 Read the full story

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Tuesday 10 April 2018

Brisbane Personal Trainer Alan Lewis Blog Spot Article PICK Hard ON Fitness Holland Park 4121 QLD Australia Wednesday 12th April 2018

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Can We Stop Worrying About Which Veggie Is "Dirtiest" Please?
Cooking Light

Fresh. Food. Is. Not. Unhealthy. Read the full story

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Study Suggests Wet Wipes May Be the Cause of Children's Allergies
Cooking Light

Some simple changes at home may help prevent long term problems. Read the full story

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Turns Out Gluten-Free Dieters Are Still Consuming a Lot of Gluten
Cooking Light

There's a really strong chance that even those with celiac disease are exposed to harmful amounts of gluten. Read the full story

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Monday 9 April 2018

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Cervical endometriosis: Symptoms, diagnosis, and complications
Medical News Today

Cervical endometriosis occurs when endometrial tissue grows on the cervix. Many experience no symptoms and require no treatment, while others opt for surgery to remove the growths. Very rarely, it harms the chances of pregnancy. Learn about treatment, complications, and characteristics of cervical endometriosis here. Read the full story

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Why our immune system cannot see cancer?
Health Minute

Cancer hides in plain sight of the immune system. The post Why our immune system cannot see cancer? appeared first on Health Minute. Read the full story

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4 simple tips to prevent pancreatic cancer

Pancreatic cancer is one of the deadliest cancers in the world. The post 4 simple tips to prevent pancreatic cancer appeared first on Knowridge Science Report. Read the full story

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Alan Lewis Personal Trainer Blog Spot Article PICK Hard On Fitness Holland Park 4121 QLD Australia Monday 9th April 2018

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Exercise is an important aspect of cancer recovery
Health Minute

In a second-floor, 300-square-foot chemotherapy infusion suite in Penn State Cancer Institute are some dumbbells, some stretchy bands, two treadmills, a recumbent bike, a weight bench, some physical therapy tools, and a raised mat. The post Exercise is an important aspect of cancer recovery appeared first on Health Minute. Read the full story

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Sunday 8 April 2018

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Just 1 night of bad sleep boosts amyloid beta in brain
Health Minute

Poor sleep leads to increase in Alzheimer's proteins associated with cognitive decline. The post Just 1 night of bad sleep boosts amyloid beta in brain appeared first on Health Minute. Read the full story

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What is metabolic syndrome and how to beat it?
Health Minute

An important recent study showed that interval training and a high pulse rate 2-3 times a week are better than weight loss and moderate exercise every day in controlling metabolic syndrome. The post What is metabolic syndrome and how to beat it? appeared first on Health Minute. Read the full story

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Can You Really Use Coconut Oil To Treat Acne?
Women's Health

Coconut oil is like that popular girl in your high school who was basically good at everything. The trendy superfood is a tasty addition to desserts, makes a great hair mask, and even treats your cuticles. If natural beauty products had a prom, coconut oil would be the queen. But one thing that coconut oil might not quite excel at: treating acne. While some people swear by coconut oil for acne, others are equally adamant that the natural moisturizer actually makes their breakouts worse. Here's Read the full story

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This Disturbing Photo Will Make You Think Twice Before Using A Hand Dryer
Women's Health

Public bathrooms are generally considered to be pretty disgusting—but we bet you thought the hand dryers were the least of your problems. Well, Nichole Ward took it upon herself to perform a little experiment: She stuck a petri dish in the open plate of a hand dryer for three minutes, and then took a picture of that dish a few days later. "This here, is what grew in a petri dish after just a few days," Nichole wrote. "I stuck the open plate in an enclosed hand dryer of a public bathroom for a Read the full story

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This Disturbing Photo Will Make You Think Twice Before Using A Hand Dryer
Women's Health

Public bathrooms are generally considered to be pretty disgusting—but we bet you thought the hand dryers were the least of your problems. Well, Nichole Ward took it upon herself to perform a little experiment: She stuck a petri dish in the open plate of a hand dryer for three minutes, and then took a picture of that dish a few days later. "This here, is what grew in a petri dish after just a few days," Nichole wrote. "I stuck the open plate in an enclosed hand dryer of a public bathroom for a Read the full story

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Exactly Why You Get Gas And Diarrhea On Your Period
Women's Health

MARCH 2018 What you need to know about period poops. February 8, 2018 I always get gas and diarrhea when I'm on my period. Why, and what's the best fix? During your period, the hormone progesterone and prostaglandins can make the smooth muscle in your intestines more or less active. Taking an antacid or placing a heating pad on your lower belly can help mild symptoms. If you're dealing with more intense discomfort, you may need a prescription antacid. It's not worrisome unless it causes such Read the full story

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Wednesday 4 April 2018

Personal Trainer Alan Lewis Blog Spot Article PICK Hard On Fitness Holland Park 4121 QLD Australia Friday 6th April 2018

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"How it feels to inherit a mental illness"

"It is possible to overcome the worst experiences of your life, whilst still hoping for the best." Read the full story

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Study examines how social support affects mental health after a natural disaster
Science Magazine

A new Journal of Traumatic Stress study found that social support may have helped alleviate depressive symptoms for displaced and nondisplaced residents who survived Hurricane Katrina. Also, social support appeared to only moderate the effects of pos.. Read the full story

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The 'Grisly Reality' Behind Mental Health Issues At Harvard Law School
Above the Law

Will Harvard Law lead in the area of mental health? Read the full story

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Holland Park Personal Trainer Alan Lewis Blog Spot Article PICK Hard On Fitness Holland Park 4121 QLD Australia Thursday 5th April 2018

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Dizzy when bending over: 10 causes and more
Medical News Today

Feeling dizzy or lightheaded when bending over is a common complaint. Many of the causes of dizziness are not harmful, such as low blood pressure or a medication. It can also indicate treatable conditions, including anemia, hypothyroidism, and inner ear infections. Learn more about the causes and when to see a doctor. Read the full story

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Iodine allergy: What to know
Medical News Today

Iodine is essential for thyroid function but can cause an adverse reaction in some people. It is not a true allergy but rather an intolerance. Certain disinfectants or X-ray contrast material can trigger a reaction. Although shellfish may contain iodine, shellfish allergies are not related to iodine sensitivity. Read the full story

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Always feel sick: Causes, treatment, and when to see a doctor
Medical News Today

Sometimes, people find they are always nauseous, run-down, or catching colds. They can feel sick with or without vomiting, while nausea may come and go or persist. There are many reasons why a person may always feel sick, including anxiety, stress, pregnancy, and diet. Find out more and about treatments here. Read the full story

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Monday 2 April 2018

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5 Serious Health Conditions That Can Be Passed Down Through Your Genes
Women's Health

If you're anything like us, you've probably been eyeing the fancy mail-in genetic tests that are all over the interwebs these days, wondering what they could possibly reveal about the secrets of your DNA. Although many offer entertaining insights—curious if you're genetically predisposed to sport a unibrow or sneeze when you look at the sun?—the real potential of such testing is to reveal your likelihood for developing serious health conditions. For example, DNA tests from Color ($250, Read the full story

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This Is Why You Have To Pee So Often In The Morning
Women's Health

MARCH 2018 One glass of OJ and you're practically glued to the toilet. February 12, 2018 Every month, we send some of your biggest questions on nutrition, health, and more to our panel of experts to answer. The question, "Why do I have to pee a thousand times after having only a small drink in the morning? And no, I'm not pregnant," was answered by Keri Peterson, M.D., internal medicine, Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City. At night, your kidneys filtrate less urine, and your bladder relaxes Read the full story

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The Meat Replacement That Vegans Are Obsessed With
Women's Health

Poke? So 2017. This year, jackfruit is the trendy new food that's about to be on tons of menus, say restaurant analysts. But, uh, WTF is it? It's a fruit (obviously), but people are freaking out about it because it's actually a really great meat substitute—which is why it's popping up on menus as pulled "pork," "carnitas" tacos, and more. So, what is jackfruit? "Jackfruit is a plant that grows from trees in the tropics, India, and Asia," says Kelly R. Jones, R.D. It's a large, oval-shaped fruit Read the full story

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