Tuesday 20 February 2018

Holland Park Personal Trainer Alan Lewis Blog Spot Article Review Hard On Fitness Australia Wednesday 21st Feb 2018

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Hard On Fitness
Article Review
We invite you to check out this fascinating article.
We rate this article 4 out of Five. 

What's making you anxious all the time? Take our quiz to find out and discover common triggers
In The Moment

If you feel constantly stressed out and unable to get your worries out of your mind then there's a good chance that you're affected by anxiety. More than 8 million in the UK suffer from an anxiety disorder – especially women and under 35s, while in the US around 40 million adults are affected. So what is anxiety? It's often described as a sense of dread or fear of things which are about to happen. It's the feeling you get before an exam or when you're getting ready for a big event. Our bodies Read the full story

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