Thursday 1 February 2018

Alan Lewis Personal Trainer Blog Spot News Review Hard On Fitness Holland Park 4121 Australia Friday 2nd Feb 2018

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Hard On Fitness
Article Review
We invite you to check out this fascinating article.
We rate this article 4 out of Five. 

If You Stop Thinking Of Exercise As A Way To Lose Weight, You May Actually Enjoy It

For years, I thought of exercise in terms of calories in and calories out: Eat too much pizza on Saturday night, take an extra spin class. Skip an hourlong run, skip a bagel the next day. Train for a triathlon, eat whatever I want — because, hey, wasn't I burning like a zillion calories a day? This approach had two problems. First, it didn't work. My workout load seemed to have no bearing on my weight, and this isn't just anecdotal; studies have shown that exercise isn't a particularly effective Read the full story

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