Monday 6 November 2017

Personal Trainer Alan Lewis Blog Spot News Review Hard On Fitness Holland Park 4121 QLD Australia Tuesday 7th November 2017

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Hard On Fitness
Article Review
We invite you to check out this fascinating article.
We rate this article 4 out of Five. 

The inspirational story of Army veteran and amateur bodybuilder Randy Lloyd
Muscle & Fitness

Like a lot of former soldiers, Randy Lloyd came home from war with injuries. Some were physical—back pain from a year-long tour in Iraq as part of an Army Reserves unit out of Ogden, UT. The more serious wounds, though, were mental and emotional. When Lloyd's service ended in 2010, doctors prescribed opioids for his pain. But while attending college, he started taking more medication to deal with the pressures of school and a case of post-traumatic stress disorder. Soon, Lloyd was addicted to Read the full story

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