Thursday 31 August 2017

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Thai Green Chicken Curry
Simply Recipes

Few dishes are as satisfying as a freshly made green curry. The curry paste itself, made here with fresh cilantro stems, lemongrass, shallot, chilies, and ginger, is a treat to inhale. Made into an easy rich curry dish with chicken, coconut milk, fresh herbs, and lime, you'll have a stunning dish to admire, smell, and taste. Continue reading "Thai Green Chicken Curry" » Read the full story

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Tuesday 29 August 2017

Alan Lewis Personal Trainer Blog Spot News Hard On Fitness Holland Park 4121 Wednesday 30th August 2017

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Think You Might Be Depressed? This Might Help
Women's Health

Google is stepping in to help people suffering from clinical depression. The search engine giant is now offering immediate support to people who search for the mental health disorder. Starting August 23, a Knowledge Panel will appear in the search results that will give people the option to select, "check if you're clinically depressed." Previously, when users searched for this in the U.S., the Knowledge Panel only provided people with general information like symptoms and possible treatment Read the full story

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Alan Lewis Personal Trainer Blog Spot News Hard On Fitness Holland Park 4121 Wednesday 30th August 2017

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Think You Might Be Depressed? This Might Help
Women's Health

Google is stepping in to help people suffering from clinical depression. The search engine giant is now offering immediate support to people who search for the mental health disorder. Starting August 23, a Knowledge Panel will appear in the search results that will give people the option to select, "check if you're clinically depressed." Previously, when users searched for this in the U.S., the Knowledge Panel only provided people with general information like symptoms and possible treatment Read the full story

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Monday 28 August 2017

Alan Lewis Blog Spot News Hard On Fitness Holland Park 4121 Australia QLD Tuesday 29th August 2017

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Kids' health at any age: how to make sure they're covered
Eat Healthy

When it comes to your kids' health, there are three key areas to get right early on: diet, sleep and exercise; plus, specific immunisations. Nutrition is vital to development, and overeating is a huge issue – large kids usually become large adults, increasing risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke, some cancers and arthritis. Instilling healthy habits provides them with the best chance to grow into fit adults. READ MORE: Honestly Healthy's avocado pops Birth to four years We think babies Read the full story

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Sunday 27 August 2017

Alan Lewis Personal Trainer Blog Spot News Hard On Fitness Holland Park4121 QLD Monday 28th August 2017

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Eating healthy food, but still putting on weight? Here's why

We're used to our weight creeping up and down occasionally – after all, the occasional holiday indulgence is completely normal, and there are times in the year (like summer) when we feel more motivated than ever to drop pounds. READ MORE: 5 things you need to know about vegetarian protein What's frustrating, however, is when you stick to a healthy eating regime and – brilliant nutritional benefits aside – still manage to pile on weight, regardless of your good intentions. We caught up with Sally Read the full story

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Alan Lewis Personal Trainer Blog Spot News Hard On Fitness Holland Park 4121 QLD Australia Monday 28th August 2017

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Friday 25 August 2017

Alan Lewis Personal Trainer Blog Spot Hard On Fitness Holland Park 4121 Australia Saturday 26th Augast 2017

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Older adults with heart disease can become heart healthy with physical activity

Improving physical activity among older adults with heart disease benefits their heart health, independence and quality of life, according to a new American Heart Association scientific statement published in Circulation. The post Older adults with heart disease can become heart healthy with physical activity appeared first on Knowridge Science Report. Read the full story

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Thursday 24 August 2017

Alan Lewis Personal Trainer Blog Spot News Hard On Fitness Holland Park 4121 QLD Australia Thursday 24th August 2017

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We rate this article  3out of Five. 

7 things you didn't know about being on the pill
Eat Healthy

The contraceptive pill has been around for many years now, and while it undoubtedly has many great benefits, we often just pop it without question, not really knowing the impact (both good and bad) the pill can have on the body. When deciding to go on the pill there are many things to take into consideration but, despite the wealth of information available now, people are still a little in the dark about what actually happens to your body when you are on the pill. To help separate the fact from Read the full story

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Tuesday 22 August 2017

Alan Lewis Personal Trainer Blog Spot News Hard On Fitness Holland Park 4121 QLD Australia Wednesday 23rd August 2017

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We rate this article 3 out of Five. 

The healthiest bread loaves to buy at the supermarket
Eat Healthy

Whether you're gluten intolerant, find it hard to digest or simply think of bread as an enemy of a healthy diet, finding the best bread to eat can be difficult with so many supermarket offerings packing in hidden sugar and salt. But there are healthy options out there, and specific products that cater to food intolerances, allergies or certain dietary requirements. Bread is a great source of energy due to its carbohydrate composition, says nutritional therapist Jackie Lynch, author of The Right Read the full story

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Monday 21 August 2017

Alan Lewis Personal Trainer Blog Spot News Hard On Fitness Holland Park 4121 QLD Australia Tuesday 22nd August 2017

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How to Get Back to Eating Healthy When You've Fallen Off the Wagon
Deliberate Magazine

Falling off the diet wagon is common while applying a strict diet that put your mind in a mindset of deprivation. In simple words, the mind cannot take the pressure anymore, and then you break out. The most important point is to know what to do when you fall off the diet wagon. Read the full story

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Thursday 17 August 2017

Alan Personal Trainer Blog Spot News Hard On Fitness Holland Park 4121 QLD Australia Friday 18th August 2017

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Why you shouldn't leave water in your car

A MAN in the US has shared a warning about the danger of leaving a clear water bottle in your car on a hot day. Read the full story

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Monday 14 August 2017

Alan Lewis Personal Trainer Blog Spot News Hard On Fitness QLD Australia Tuesday 16th August 2017

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Chocolate, coconut and almond truffles
Eat Healthy

Not only are these chocolate truffles with almond and coconut delicious, they are also vegan-friendly. Serves 4 You will need 60g ground almonds 80g dates 15g cocoa powder 30g desiccated coconut 2 tbsp maple syrup 1/2 tsp vanilla essence 1 tbsp of Udo's Ultimate Oil Make it In a food processor blend together the almonds and dates until they form a crumbly paste. If it's too thick, add a little water, but only enough for it to just come together. Depending on personal taste, the truffle mixture Read the full story

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Thursday 10 August 2017

Alan Lewis Blog Spot News Hard On Fitness Holland Park 4121 QLD Australia Friday 11th Augast 2017

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These Bad Habits Are Making Your Anxiety Even Worse
The Cheat Sheet

You can worsen your anxiety symptoms unknowingly just by going about your day as normal. Simple things like drinking too much coffee, stress-eating, and even procrastinating can intensify your temptation to crawl under your desk and curl up into a ball. Since no one should go through life with that much anxiety, it's time to learn more about the most common bad habits that will intensify it, and how you can form better habits to feel less anxious. 1. Skipping meals Food is fuel and keeps anxiety Read the full story

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Wednesday 9 August 2017

Alan Lewis Personal Trainer Blog Spot News Hard On Fitness Holland Park 4121 QLD Australia August 10th 2017

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Nutrition Q&A: What should I eat before a half marathon?
Eat Healthy

With two days to go before my half marathon, I consult Solgar's nutritionist Paul Chamberlain on what to eat before the big day. In this marathon nutrition guide, he covers everything from what to eat breakfast to how even just a mouthful of sports drink can make a difference to your running time and endurance. READ MORE: Tess Ward's alternative brunch recipes Given that my life is generally sedentary (read: office-based) with a few exercise classes thrown in, I needed a little help in order to Read the full story

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Alan Lewis Personal Trainer Blog Spot Hard On Fitness Holland Park 4121 QLD Australia Thursday 10th August 2017

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Tuesday 8 August 2017

Alan Lewis Personal Trainer Blog Spot Mews Holland Park 4121 QLD Australia Wednesday 9th August 2017

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#SleepOnIt: 3 supplements for a better snooze
Eat Healthy

The relentless toss and turn of a troubled night's sleep can be a real day ruiner . Here are three ingredients to guide you to a better slumber. Repeat after us: Sleep Is So Important. It's our bodies' own in-built recovery system and will eradicate those pesky under-eye bags better than any expensive concealer. Its benefits span the full breadth of our wellbeing, and could even keep us switched on as we age. A study by Michael Scullin, director of Baylor University's Sleep Neuroscience and Read the full story

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Monday 7 August 2017

Alan Lewis Personal Trainer Blog Spot News Hard On Fitness Holland Park 4121 QLD Australia Tuesday 8th August 2017

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Classic German Potato Salad
Simply Recipes

I like all kinds of potato salads, but German might be my favorite! For German potato salad, sliced potatoes are tossed with bacon, sautéed onions, fresh herbs, and a mustardy white wine dressing. It's a nice change-up from the mayonnaise-based version, and you can serve it warm or chilled. Continue reading "Classic German Potato Salad" » Read the full story

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Thursday 3 August 2017

Alan Lewis Personal Trainer Blog Spot News Hard On Fitness Holland Park 4121 QLD Australia August 4th 2017

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We rate this article 3 out of Five. 

#SleepOnIt: 3 supplements for a better snooze
Eat Healthy

The relentless toss and turn of a troubled night's sleep can be a real day ruiner . Here are three ingredients to guide you to a better slumber. Repeat after us: Sleep Is So Important. It's our bodies' own in-built recovery system and will eradicate those pesky under-eye bags better than any expensive concealer. Its benefits span the full breadth of our wellbeing, and could even keep us switched on as we age. A study by Michael Scullin, director of Baylor University's Sleep Neuroscience and Read the full story

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Alan Lewis Personal Trainer Blog Spot Hard On Fitness Holland Park QLD Australia Friday 4th August 2017

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Deliciously Ella's Sweet Potato Brownies
Eat Healthy

Makes 10 sweet potato brownies 500g of sweet potatoes (about 2 medium) 100g of ground almonds 100g of ground oats 12 medjool dates 2 tablespoons of melted coconut oil 6 tablespoons of raw cacao 6 tablespoons of pure maple syrup A pinch of salt Icing 2 tablespoons of coconut oil 1 tablespoon of maple syrup 2 tablespoons of cacao 2 tablespoons of almond butter 1 Start by pre-heating the oven to 180C, then peel the sweet potatoes. 2 Cut them into chunks and place into a steamer for about twenty Read the full story

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What it feels like to have anxiety and depression
Eat Healthy

After years with anxiety and depression, Laura Dernie, 33, from Cardiff, has her life back on track. Now she wants to change taboos and help others realise it affects 'normal' people, too "I barely remember the first weeks after my second child, Poppy, was born four years ago. I know that I wasn't eating properly and could hardly get out of bed. I wasn't particularly sad, I just didn't feel anything. I recall sitting on my bed holding my children and telling my husband Henry, 'I love them with Read the full story

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Tuesday 1 August 2017

Alan Lewis Personal Trainer Blog Spot News Hard On Fitness QLD Australia Wednesday 2nd August 2017

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Discover why protein's your best friend
Eat Healthy

You're probably no stranger to the advice to eat protein with every meal. But if you're a regular exerciser or lead an active lifestyle, your requirement will be greater, and your meals may fall short of what you need to replenish and develop your body. But that doesn't mean bulking up like a bodybuilder, but achieving a slim and toned silhouette that's healthy and strong. What women want Finding the right product can be tricky, which is why MissFits Nutrition co-founder Tara Adlestone decided Read the full story

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Alan Lewis Personal Trainer Blog Spot News Hard On Fitness Holland Park 4121 QLD Australia Tuesday 1st August

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This Is How Many Calories You Really Burn at Your Favorite Fitness Classes
Reader's Digest

Circuit training Circuit training offers a great way to mix both strength and cardio exercises by making participants rotate frequently between exercises. With this fast-paced workout, you can expect to burn up to 10 calories per minute; that's close to 600 calories per hour! If you're new to strength training, these are the physical and emotional changes you can expect. Read the full story

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