Wednesday 31 January 2018

Personal Trainer Alan Lewis Blog Spot News review Hard On Fitness Holland Park 4121 QLD Australia Thursday 1st Feb 2018

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Women who have kids AFTER 30 (but before 34) have lowest preemie risk
Daily Mail

A Canadian study found that pregnant women aged 40 and older are at the greatest risk of premature birth and those aged 30 to 34 are at the lowest risk. Read the full story

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Women who have kids AFTER 30 (but before 34) have lowest preemie risk
Daily Mail

A Canadian study found that pregnant women aged 40 and older are at the greatest risk of premature birth and those aged 30 to 34 are at the lowest risk. Read the full story

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Alan Lewis Blog Spot News review Hard On Fitness Holland park 4121 QLD Australia Thursday 1st Feb 2018

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Cancer jab that eliminates tumours even after they've spread will start human trials
The Telegraph

A cancer jab that can eliminate tumours even when they have spread throughout the body is about to start human trials. Read the full story

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Personal Trainer Alan Lewis Blog Spot News Review Hard On fitness Holland Park 4121 QLD Australia 1st Feb 2018

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How to Prevent Headaches

Headaches can be irritating and can easily affect your performance in daily tasks. Some headaches are rooted in serious medical conditions. However, most cases are triggered by simple variables. These include eating habits, fluids you drink, the weather, the environmental conditions, stress levels, medication you are taking and emotional state. Migraines can be prevented by... Read the full story

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Tuesday 30 January 2018

Alan Lewis Personal Trainer Blog Spot News review Hard On Fitness Holland Park 4121 QLD Australia Wednesday 31st January 2018

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Don't Use HRT for Chronic Conditions in Postmenopausal Women

The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force has posted a final recommendation against the use of combined estrogen and progestin to prevent chronic conditions in postmenopausal women. Read the full story

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Cataract surgery tied to lower risk of death in older women
Medical News Today

An analysis of Women's Health Initiative data has found that cataract surgery is tied to a lower overall and cause-specific risk of death in older women. Read the full story

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U.S. study made 'big mistake' about hormone-replacement therapy
The Globe and Mail

New research suggests short-term hormone treatment could control symptoms without significantly increasing other health risks Read the full story

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Monday 29 January 2018

Alan Lewis Personal Trainer Blog Spot News review Hard On fitness Holland Park 4121 QLD Australia Tuesday 30th January 2018

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Can ketogenic diet help you lose weight?
Professor Health

The ketogenic diet is a high-fat, high-protein, low-card diet that is used primarily to treat epilepsy in children. The post Can ketogenic diet help you lose weight? appeared first on Professor Health. Read the full story

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Mindful eating, meditation may lead to better metabolic health
Professor Health

A diet and exercise program that included mindfulness training resulted in participants having lower metabolic risk factors compared to those who underwent the same program without the training, according to a study led by researchers at UC San Francisco. The post Mindful eating, meditation may lead to better metabolic health appeared first on Professor Health. Read the full story

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MIND Diet Slows Cognitive Decline in Stroke Survivors
Psych Central

A particular diet may help slow cognitive decline in stroke survivors, according to new research. According to researchers at Rush University Medical Center, the finding are significant because stroke survivors are twice as likely to develop dementia compared to the general population. Call the MIND diet -- short for Mediterranean-DASH Diet Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay... Read the full story

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Sunday 28 January 2018

Personal Trainer Alan Lewis Blog Spot News review Hard On Fitness Holland Park 4121 QLD Australia Monday 29th January 2018

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Incredibly Mobile "Minimalist Robot" Could Be the Future of Non-Invasive Medicine

Researchers invented a tiny "minimalist robot" that looks like a caterpillar and can perform a wide range of movements, including jumping, crawling through tunnels, and climbing out of a pool. It is designed to deliver drugs to specific targets in the human body. Read the full story

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Alan Lewis  Personal Tra
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Personal Trainer Holland Park 4121 QLD Australia Alan Lewis Blog Spot News review Hard On Fitness Monday 29th January 2018

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MIND Diet Slows Cognitive Decline in Stroke Survivors
Psych Central

A particular diet may help slow cognitive decline in stroke survivors, according to new research. According to researchers at Rush University Medical Center, the finding are significant because stroke survivors are twice as likely to develop dementia compared to the general population. Call the MIND diet -- short for Mediterranean-DASH Diet Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay... Read the full story

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Children Who Survive Congenital Heart Defects Can Face New Problems As Adults

It was a medical miracle: Surgery that made it possible for babies born with heart defects to live to adulthood. But for some, those mended hearts start to falter decades later. Read the full story

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Wednesday 24 January 2018

Alan Lewis Personal Trainer Blog Spot News Review Hard On Fitness Holland Park 4121 QLD Australia Thursday 25th January 2018

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New Study Says Daily Weigh-Ins Help Keep Pounds Off—Here's Why That May Not Be a Good Idea
Cooking Light

Technically it may work, but your mental health could be at risk. Read the full story

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Alan Lewis Personal Trainer Blog Spot News review Hard On Fitness Holland Park 4121 QLD Australia Thursday 28th January 2018

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5 Things to Avoid—and 5 Things to Look for—In a Detox or Cleanse
Cooking Light

A nutritionist tells you which red flags to look for. Read the full story

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How to have a healthy diet when you are pregnant
Professor Health

Eating healthy foods and the right amount of calories helps you and your baby gain the proper amount of weight. The post How to have a healthy diet when you are pregnant appeared first on Professor Health. Read the full story

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8 tips that help you keep healthy blood pressure

Keeping blood pressure in a normal range is essential to your health. The post 8 tips that help you keep healthy blood pressure appeared first on Knowridge Science Report. Read the full story

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Holland Park 4121 QLD Australia Personal Trainer Alan Lewis Blog Spot News review Hard On Fitness Thursday 25th January 2018

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Woman who used to eat McDonald's every day loses 12 STONE
Daily Mail

Leanne Champ, 28 , who is based in the UK, saw her weight balloon to nearly 20 stone. She decided she needed to make a drastic change, after seeing herself in the mirror one morning. Read the full story

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Here's a fun quiz for you. 

Guess which simple everyday cooking oil has been shown to reverse memory loss and cure Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia. 

Is it…

A) Olive oil 
B) Coconut oil
C) Vegetable oil
D) Sunflower oil

Have a guess and see if you're right here

During this short video you will also discover_how much of this oil you need to take each day to:

• Repair and boost memory
• Increase focus and concentration
• Prevent and reverse Alzheimer's and dementia

And do it in just 21 days. Find out all about it here

Discover_the cooking oil that repairs memory

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Monday 22 January 2018

Alan Lewis Personal Trainer Blog Spot News review Hard On Fitness Holland Park 4121 QLD Australia Tuesday 23rd January 2018

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3 Creative Whole30 Breakfasts You Can Make Even When You're Half-Asleep

Shake up your a.m. routine with these easy recipes. Read the full story

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3 Creative Whole30 Breakfasts You Can Make Even When You're Half-Asleep

Shake up your a.m. routine with these easy recipes. Read the full story

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Boosting cancer therapy with cross-dressed immune cells
Science Magazine

Credit: M. De Palma/EPFL Immunotherapies are breakthrough treatments that stimulate the patient's immune cells to attack the tumor through the recognition of aberrant molecules called tumor an.. Read the full story

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How to Eat Healthy at a Stadium
Cooking Light

Cheering on your favorite team in person? Here's how to celebrate without blowing your calorie count. Read the full story

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Sunday 21 January 2018

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Sensory Overload: How to Find What Works Best for Your ASD Child - Autism Parenting Magazine
Autism Parenting Magazine

Needing a Band-Aid after scraping your knee seems like a rite of passage when it comes to childhood. I have many memories of running into my grandmother's house in the summer and showing her my freshly scraped knee and waiting on the counter for her to come back with iodine and a bandage. It always followed me listening to my friends and trying a new trick on my bicycle—this usually had to do with me trying to ride downhill on a dirt road with no hands, and in some cases, the bandage would have Read the full story

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How diet influences our mood and mental health
Health Minute

You already know that eating plenty of fruits and vegetables is beneficial to your body — but just how important are these foods for your mind? The post How diet influences our mood and mental health appeared first on Health Minute. Read the full story

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Alan Lewis Personal Trainer Blog Spot News review Hard On Fitness Holland Park 4121 QLD Australia Saturday 20th January 2018

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UVU takes proactive approach to mental health
Daily Herald

Too often, those who need help with mental health issues only seek that help in times of crisis, if at all. Utah Valley University's Mental Health Services is adopting a different program, one that is proactive, in an effort to… Read the full story

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Thursday 18 January 2018

Personal Trainer Alan Lewis Blog Spot News Review Hard On fitness Holland Park 4121 QLD Australia Friday 19th January 2018

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6 Nutritionist-Approved Breakfast Ideas to Start Eating Clean
Life by Daily Burn

You don't have to give up your favorite foods to eat clean. These healthy breakfast ideas upgrade the nutrition of your meal with more protein, fiber and fat. Read the full story

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Print Your Own Recipe Cards! – A Beautiful Mess
A Beautiful Mess

Whether you love or hate to cook, there's probably one question that we all ask ourselves several times a day: "What should I make to eat?" While I do use different sites like Pinterest to keep and compile different recipes I would like to try, I have to say that I still think the best thing is a good old recipe card with all the info I need right on the card. I love that I have recipe cards in my binder that are almost 20 years old (written out in my Mom's beautiful handwriting), detailing how Read the full story

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Bring A Little Color Into Your Life With Stuffed Avocados 3 Ways

Because variety is the spice of life! Read the full story

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Wednesday 17 January 2018

Personal Trainer Alan Lewis Blog Spot News review Hard On Fitness Holland Park 4121 QLD Australia Thursday 18th January 2018

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Exercise protects against heart attack and cancer even among obese
Daily Mail

Poor fitness was linked to higher levels of inflammation as well as bigger waists, found Copenhagen University in Denmark researchers. This was irrespective of body mass index (BMI). Read the full story

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Fit or Fat: Low fitness is associated with a larger waist size
PLOS Research News

Many people might have set themselves the New Year's resolution to "get fit" – but what does that really mean? Both the amount of abdominal fat and level of inflammation have been previously linked to an increased risk of metabolic diseases. The authors of a recent PLOS ONE study investigated the association between fitness and... Read the full story

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How To Slice Melon Without Making Your Hands A Sticky Mess
Women's Health

NUTRITION Finally. January 12, 2018 Melons are truly nutritional heroes. Cantaloupes in particular are low in calories and sugar while high in nutrients like vitamin A, while fruit-cup favorite honeydew boasts decent amounts of potassium and vitamin C. And melons in general are easy to eat, whether it's tossing them in a fruit salad, eating whole slices, or swirling them into smoothie bowls. But one major drawback to melons: they are super juicy, and therefore super messy to prepare. We talked Read the full story

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Alan Lewis Personal Trainer Blog Spot News Review Hard On Fitness Holland Park 4121 QLD Australia Wednesday 17th January 2018

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pH Balance: marketing ploy or savvy science?
The Healthy Me

Do you have to pay attention to the pH balance of your skincare products? Are you concerned about the pH of your skincare products? You've probably noticed that some of your bottles and jars are labeled "pH Balanced." Sounds like a good thing, right? At Primal Life Organics, we don't label our containers. In fact,... Read the full story

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Yoga To Make You Happy: Try Our 8-Step Routine | Healthy
Eat Healthy

High performers – from professional athletes to scientists – talk about a sweet spot of effort that leaves room for creativity, improvisation and spontaneity, which are essential for high-level achievement. It's in that space we experience the feeling of being 'in the zone'. And this is the key concept of Strala Yoga, which is all about following how you feel in the structure of a movement. In most yoga classes, there are options, but in Strala, you choose which to take based on what feels great Read the full story

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Dip into this healthy snack - Healthy Magazine | Food | Fitness | Beauty | Health
Eat Healthy

Stay #snackhappy Here at Healthy, we've just launched our #snackhappy campaign to help change the nation's snacking habits one bite at a time – and Linwoods Snackettes fit the bill perfectly. They're an easy win if you're trying to improve your diet – a great source of protein, fibre and healthy omega-3. Unlike some protein balls and energy bars, they have virtually no added salt or sugar. Plus, Snackettes are 100 per cent organic and gluten free. If you're joining the growing trend for Read the full story

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Monday 15 January 2018

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The Surprising Reason You're Getting Side Pains Once A Month
Women's Health

Mittelschmerz is a weird word for a not-so-weird phenomenon. In fact, it's so common that about one in five women experience it on a monthly basis, says Nicole Scott, M.D., an ob-gyn at IU Health. So what is it? Technically the word is German for "middle pain," and it describes a sharp ovulation pain on one side of your lower abdomen that occurs once a month around the time your ovary releases an egg into your fallopian tube, according to the Mayo Clinic. That's right, some women can feel when Read the full story

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Everyone Is Obsessed With Drinking Lemon Water—But Is It Really Beneficial To Your Health?
Women's Health

Celebrities like Jennifer Aniston, Hilary Duff, Christie Brinkley, and Gisele Bundchen all reportedly love lemon water in its many forms—hot, cold, and lukewarm. Those celebrity endorsements are part of the reason why lemon water has scored a reputation as the overachieving beverage we should all start our morning with. Some say that drinking lemon water in the morning promotes digestion, balances the body's pH levels, and detoxifies from the inside out. Others claim it brightens the skin while Read the full story

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How Much Canned Food Is It Really Safe For You To Eat?
Women's Health

Odds are, if you opened up your kitchen cabinets right now, you'd probably find some kind of canned food in there—canned black beans, some chickpeas, and a few odd cans of tuna. And there's a good reason why we all stock up—canned foods are a staple for meal prep and cheap cooking, and they're a super-simple way to get more produce and fish—foods all of us could stand to eat more of, says New York-based nutritionist Karen Ansel, R.D. "Canned tomatoes, beans, pumpkin, tuna, and salmon are Read the full story

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Sunday 14 January 2018

Alan Lewis Personal Trainer Blog Spot News Review Hard On fitness Holland Park 4121 QLD Australia Monday 15th January 2018

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Fertility self care
Pregnancy Magazine

Everyone's journey to starting a family looks and feels different, especially when you are struggling with infertility. My personal fertility journey had many highs, lows, and bumps along the way. As both a dietitian and a woman who walked through the struggles of getting pregnant, there are emotional waves that we all ride out. Let's […] The post Fertility self care appeared first on Pregnancy Magazine. Read the full story

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Fertility self care
Pregnancy Magazine

Everyone's journey to starting a family looks and feels different, especially when you are struggling with infertility. My personal fertility journey had many highs, lows, and bumps along the way. As both a dietitian and a woman who walked through the struggles of getting pregnant, there are emotional waves that we all ride out. Let's […] The post Fertility self care appeared first on Pregnancy Magazine. Read the full story

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Keeping your pregnancy low risk
Pregnancy Magazine

There are many advantages to having a low-risk pregnancy, especially if you're planning a natural birth. What should your blood pressure look like? What about the food you eat and the amount of time you exercise? This episode explores some practical ways for you to stay in optimal health during the next nine months. The post Keeping Your Pregnancy Low Risk appeared first on Pregnancy Magazine. Read the full story

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Australian Men's Health

WHY YOU SHOULD SWAP SUGAR FOR FAT RIGHT NOW The science has shifted. So should your fondness for the sweet stuff WHY YOU SHOULD SWAP SUGAR FOR FAT RIGHT NOW The science has shifted. So should your fondness for the sweet stuff Men's Health MH STAFF 6/30/2016 9:59 AM 7/1/2016 10:47 AM There are a number of ways in which sugar maybe clouding your nutritional judgment. Here's how: 01 YOU USE IT LIKE A DRUG Sweetening your drink when you need an energy spike is a defective strategy; you're just Read the full story

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Thursday 11 January 2018

Alan Lewis Personal Trainer Blog Spot News Review Hard On fitness Holland Park 4121 QLD Australia Friday 12th January 2018

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Early puberty linked to depression in girls
CBC News

Girls who go through puberty early could be more likely to experience depression and behaviour problems that last into their 20s compared to peers who start menstruation later, a U.S. study suggests. Read the full story

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9 Little Habits That Could Be Signs Of Anxiety Or Depression In Kids

Kids can express a plethora of scary or worrisome behavior, so it may seem difficult to differentiate which signs are red flags and signal that you need to pay closer attention. There are, however, little habits that are subtle signs of anxiety or de… Read the full story

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Neuroimaging study finds alterations in connectivity of brain areas can predict depression

A new brain-imaging study published in The American Journal of Psychiatry suggest scientists may be able to predict how likely children are to develop depression. "Depression is a leading cause of disease burden," said study author Pedro Mario Pan of Universidade Federal de São Paulo. "In adolescence, consequences of depressive episodes can be serious, such... Read the full story

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Wednesday 10 January 2018

Alan Lewis Personal Trainer Blog Spot News review Hard On fitness Holland Park 4121 QLD Australia 11th Thursday January 2018

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Everyone Is Obsessed With Drinking Lemon Water—But Is It Really Beneficial To Your Health?
Women's Health

Celebrities like Jennifer Aniston, Hilary Duff, Christie Brinkley, and Gisele Bundchen all reportedly love lemon water in its many forms—hot, cold, and lukewarm. Those celebrity endorsements are part of the reason why lemon water has scored a reputation as the overachieving beverage we should all start our morning with. Some say that drinking lemon water in the morning promotes digestion, balances the body's pH levels, and detoxifies from the inside out. Others claim it brightens the skin while Read the full story

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Exactly How Much More You Should Sleep Each Night If You're Trying To Lose Weight
Women's Health

The best news: Sleeping longer may be the key to reaching your health and weight loss goals. According to a new study from researchers at King's College London, people who snooze for an extra hour or so could end up consuming fewer sugars and carbohydrates. With 21 participants involved, the study was admittedly small; it was also a pilot, meaning more studies would be required to support its findings. Researchers recruited 42 people: half received a sleep consultation intended to up their time Read the full story

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Crazy parenting tips from around the world
New York Post

Think love is the same in every language? Not exactly. Over the past decade, a new publishing trend has emerged: parenting books that celebrate the child-rearing philosophies of other cultures while subtly — or not so subtly — denouncing the American approach. The latest example is "Achtung Baby: An American Mom on the German Art of Raising Self-Reliant Children" (Picador) by Sara Zaske, a freelance writer and parent who lived in Berlin for six years. Zaske writes that German mothers and fathers Read the full story

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Tuesday 9 January 2018

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Vitamin D deficiency in children not linked with impaired development
Medical Herald

Recent research in animals have shown that vitamin D deficiency is linked with impaired development. Human studies have shown that poor vitamin-D status prenatally is associated with adverse neuropsychiatric outcomes including schizophrenia and child autism. Vitamin-D deficiency is considered to be one of the most common nutritional deficiencies and a commonly undiagnosed medical condition in... Read the full story

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Vitamin B12 levels can predict life expectancy in metastatic cancer
Medical Herald

New research has indicated that serum vitamin B12 levels may be useful for the prediction of life expectancy in metastatic solid cancer patients. Prediction based on vitamin B12 levels could help clinician make better decisions regarding the appropriateness of aggressive anticancer therapy. Metastatic cancer is incurable and its prognosis is poor. Medical teams have to... Read the full story

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Cranberry effective in preventing urinary tract infection recurrence
Medical Herald

A new study has suggested that cranberry may be effective in preventing urinary tract infection recurrence in generally healthy women. Urinary tract infection (UTI) affects over 150 million people annually worldwide. The most common form of UTI is cystitis, a sporadic uncomplicated UTI in the bladder of otherwise healthy individuals. Complicated UTI is less common... Read the full story

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Monday 8 January 2018

Alan Lewis Personal Trainer Blog Spot News Review Hard On Fitness Holland Park 4121 QLD Tuesday 9th January 2018

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People Who Sleep Less Than 8 Hours a Night More Likely to Suffer from Depression - Sleep Review
Sleep Review

Sleeping less than the recommended 8 hours a night is associated with intrusive, repetitive thoughts like those seen in anxiety or depression, according to research from Binghamton University, State University of New York. Binghamton University professor of psychology Meredith Coles, PhD, and former graduate student Jacob Nota, PhD, assessed the timing and duration of sleep in individuals with moderate to high levels of repetitive negative thoughts (eg, worry and rumination). The research Read the full story

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Cut Down on Social Media, Says Sleep Expert - Sleep Review
Sleep Review

A sleep doctor is calling for Brits to cut down on the time they spend on social media this new year after a study revealed the effect it has on sleep, reports About Manchester. Dr Nerina Ramlakhan is urging social media users to cut down on the amount of time they spend on Facebook, Twitter and Snapchat as one of their New Year's Resolutions. A recent study by bedmakers Silentnight analysed the link between social media and sleep deprivation, and the results revealed the two are closely linked. Read the full story

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Can Road Salt and Other Pollutants Disrupt Our Circadian Rhythms? - Sleep Review
Sleep Review

Researchers found that a common species of zooplankton, Daphnia pulex, adapts to increasing levels of road salt, and that that this exposure affected the circadian rhythm, reports Alternet. Every winter, local governments across the United States apply millions of tons of road salt to keep streets navigable during snow and ice storms. Runoff from melting snow carries road salt into streams and lakes, and causes many bodies of water to have extraordinarily high salinity. At Rensselaer Polytechnic Read the full story

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Sunday 7 January 2018

Alan Lewis Personal Trainer Blog Spot News Review Hard On Fitness Holland Park 4121 QLD Australia Monday 8th January 2018

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'My Facial Numbness Turned Out To Be A Brain Tumor'
Women's Health

During the fifth month of my pregnancy, I woke up one day to find that the left side of my face was numb. I had a prenatal visit scheduled that day, and when I told my doctor about it she said it was probably Bell's Palsy. I searched the internet for Bell's Palsy, and found out it was when the muscles in your face start to sag. I thought, Oh my god, I'm going to wake up any day now and the left side of my face is going to fall and start drooping. But it never did. At the time, in 2005, I was in Read the full story

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The Latest News About Cancer Death Rates In The U.S. Will Fill You With Hope
Women's Health

Cancer has been one of the leading causes of death in the U.S. for years, so it's understandable that you might be a little freaked out about the disease. But now, there's some good news on the cancer front: Deaths from the disease are down 26 percent from their peak in 1991. That's the major finding from a new study published in the American Cancer Society's journal CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians . For the study, researchers compiled data on cancer and cancer deaths from the National Read the full story

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