Wednesday 14 March 2018

Personal Trainer Alan Lewis Blog Spot Article Pick Hard On Fitness Holland Park 4121 QLD Australia Thursday 15th March 2018

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Article Review
We invite you to check out this fascinating article.

What Is Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis? Stephen Hawking Suffered From Motor Neuron Disease
International Business Times

Revolutionary scientist, physicist and author Stephen Hawking, who spent most of his lifetime chained to a wheelchair because of a degenerative neuromuscular disease, died at the age of 76 in the early hours of Wednesday in Cambridge, England, a spokesman for his family confirmed. Professor Hawking's children, Lucy, Robert and Tim, said in a statement that Hawking died at his home in Cambridge peacefully, surrounded by his family. They said: "We are deeply saddened that our beloved father passed Read the full story

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