Tuesday 6 March 2018

Holland Park 4121 QLD Australia Personal Trainer Alan Lewis Blog Spot Article Pick Hard On Fitness Thursday 8th March 2018

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Article Review
We invite you to check out this fascinating article. 

                         Study: People Whose Parents Pressured Them To Diet Will Likely Do The Same With Their Own Kids

Making someone feel bad about their body is never OK and body-shaming, whether it's from a bully on the playground or from someone at home, can have serious effects on a child that can linger into adulthood. In fact, according to new research, those … Read the full story

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Britain's new diet: the 400-600-600 plan to counter obesity
The Telegraph

Britain needs to go on a diet, Public Health England has warned, as it set out new calorie guidelines to cut meal sizes, ruling out favourites like Fish and Chips or a Sunday Roast. Read the full story

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