Monday 12 March 2018

Holland Park 4121 QLD Personal Trainer Alan Lewis Blog Spot Article Pick Hard On Fitness Australia Tuesday 13th March

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Article Review
We invite you to check out this fascinating article.

Why Erin Andrews Kept Her Cervical Cancer Diagnosis Hidden From Her Co-Workers

It was fall 2016, and Erin Andrews felt great. At 38 years old, she exercised, ate well, and had a successful TV career as a sports reporter and the host of Dancing with the Stars. So when she had her annual checkup at the gynecologist, she expected to receive a clean bill of health. Instead, she was told she had cervical cancer. Cervical cancer affects up to 12,000 women each year. It is both preventable and treatable, and yet 4,000 of the women diagnosed ultimately succumb to the illness Read the full story

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