Friday 30 March 2018

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Bad News, MyFitnessPal Users: Your Information Could Be Part of a Data Breach
Cooking Light

Step #1: change your password. Read the full story

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Editor's letter: May Healthy - Healthy Magazine | Food | Fitness | Beauty | Health
Eat Healthy

Healthy Sampler 'Clean beauty' seems to be replacing 'clean eating' as the new battleground for the wellness warriors. Clean eating started as the well-intentioned idea that people are better off eating minimally processed food – so an apple over a bag of crisps, or a home-made stir-fry sauce over a shop-bought one. So far, so uncontroversial. But then the backlash started – with detractors arguing clean eating was causing disordered eating, food guilt, and, worst of all, lots of showing off on Read the full story

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Wednesday 28 March 2018

Personal Trainer Alan Lewis Blog Spot Article PICK Hard On fitness Holland Park 4121 QLD Australia Thursday 29th March 2018

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10 Health Conditions That Are Linked to Depression

There's a complicated relationship between the mood disorder and other health issues, including diabetes, chronic pain, and thyroid problems. Read the full story

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Study overturns age-old theory of brain learning
Medical News Today

A new study challenges the traditional view that learning in the brain is synaptic, or link-based, proposing instead that it is dendritic, or node-based. Read the full story

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Vaginal swelling: 14 causes and treatment
Medical News Today

Vaginal swelling can occur for a range of different reasons. This article examines 14 reasons why a person may experience vaginal swelling, including, pregnancy, allergies and irritation, infections, and STIs. We also look at possible treatment options and identify when someone should see a doctor. Read the full story

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Monday 26 March 2018

Personal Trainer Alan Lewis Blog Spot Article Pick Hard On fitness Holland Park 4121 QLD Australia Tuesday 27th March 2018

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Cold, flu, or allergy? Know the difference for best treatment
Professor Health

You're feeling pretty lousy. You've got sniffles, sneezing, and a sore throat. The post Cold, flu, or allergy? Know the difference for best treatment appeared first on Professor Health. Read the full story

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Here's How Obesity Can Damage Your Kidneys

Obesity refers to the accumulation of excess fat on your body which can expose you to a number of kidney diseases. Read the full story

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Holland Park 4121 QLD Australia Personal Trainer Alan Lewis Blog Spot Article PICK Tuesday 27th March 2018

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Even a little walk may help you live longer

A new study concludes that walking has the potential to significantly improve the public's health. The post Even a little walk may help you live longer appeared first on Knowridge Science Report. Read the full story

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Sunday 25 March 2018

Alan Lewis Personal Trainer Blog Spot Article Pick Hard On Fitness Holland Park 4121 QLD Australia Monday 26th March 2018

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From Lip Reading to Google Glass and Beyond: The Evolution of Wearable IoT Devices - ReadWrite

Up until a few years ago, interconnected devices were more dream than reality, and it's easy to feel like the fitness tracker fad was the beginning of wearables. In reality, of course, the groundwork was laid decades before— years even before the Internet was launched. With all the amazing potential for wearable IoT devices, it's important to realize how far we've come—and how many devices didn't end up changing the world, but did make important contributions to the future of IoT. Even dreams of Read the full story

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Apple Watch can detect serious heart problem
Cult of Mac

Apple Watch can accurately detect atrial fibrillation, a serious heart condition that is a leading cause of stroke. This advanced feature remains in testing. However, a new medical study offers proof that wearables can do far more than simply track fitness. In fact, they could actually keep the wearer alive. The Health eHeart Study, coordinated... Read the full story

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Apple Has Big Plans for Its March 27 Event

Since announcing plans for a press event on March 27, Apple has remained silent about what it will unveil. But that isn't stopping the rumor mill. Over the past several days, news reports, including one from Bloomberg, suggest that Apple will introduce a budget-friendly $259 iPad at the education-focused event. There's also talk that a cheaper MacBook notebook that costs less than $1,000 will be unveiled. But the press event isn't expected to include any major announcements, like a dramatically Read the full story

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Fact check: Will the move to make codeine prescription-only save 100 lives a year?
ABC News

Federal Health Minister Greg Hunt says that the move to make over-the-counter codeine products prescription-only could save up to 100 lives a year. RMIT ABC Fact Check investigates. Read the full story

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7 Signs You Have Mild PTSD Rather Than Anxiety

It's easy to write-off excessive worries and racing thoughts as symptoms of anxiety. But if you know you're dealing with anxiety, it's important to be aware of where certain fears are really coming from. Although anxiety is different from post trauma… Read the full story

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Obesity surgery linked to positive outcomes in very obese teens with diabetes
Science Magazine

Credit: John Soares BOSTON - (March 22, 2018) - While it's not news that weight loss and medication control type 2 diabetes, a secondary analysis found that bariatric surgery could potentially be an effective option for very obese adolescents .. Read the full story

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Thursday 22 March 2018

Brisbane Personal Trainer Alan Lewis Holland Park 4121 QLD Australia Blog Spot Article PICK Hard On Fitness Friday 23rd March 2018

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5 Reasons to Stop or Switch Statins

These widely prescribed drugs have some potentially serious side effects. Read the full story

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You'd Never Guess This Cookie Is Actually Good for Your Gut

Healthy and delicious: win-win! Read the full story

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Tuesday 20 March 2018

Alan Lewis Personal Trainer Blog Spot Article Pick Hard On fitness Holland Park 4121 QLD Australia Thursday 22nd March 2018

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miRNAs of abnormal heart rhythms identified in circulating blood
Drug Target Review

Researchers uncover four microRNA molecules in the bloodstream that could predict the onset of atrial fibrillation... Read the full story

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Immune cell target that may prevent or delay heart failure after pressure overload
Science Magazine

Credit: UAB BIRMINGHAM, Ala. - University of Alabama at Birmingham researchers have identified a therapeutic target to prevent or delay heart failure from pressure overload of the heart, and a potential biomarker for the same. They say their anima.. Read the full story

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Women May Dismiss Subtle Warning Signs of Heart Disease

Warning signs of heart disease in women, such as fatigue, body aches and upset stomach, may be shrugged off as symptoms of stress or a hectic lifestyle. Read the full story

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Brisbane Personal Trainer Alan Lewis Blog Spot Article PICK Hard On Fitness Holland Park 4121 QLD Australia Wednesday 21st March 2018

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Mats made of active proteins soak up pollution - Futurity

Scientists have figured out a way to keep certain proteins active outside the cell, which could lead to materials with functions usually only found in living systems. The researchers used the technology to create mats that can soak up and trap chemical pollution. Despite years of effort to stabilize proteins outside of their native environments, scientists have made limited progress in combining proteins with synthetic components like fibers without compromising protein activity. The white fiber Read the full story

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Eating protein three times a day could make our body stronger

Loss of muscle is an inevitable consequence of aging that can lead to frailty, falls or mobility problems. The post Eating protein three times a day could make our body stronger appeared first on Knowridge Science Report. Read the full story

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Currently recommended daily protein intake too low for older people
Professor Health

You can find the recommended dietary allowance (RDA) on the nutrition labels of all your processed food. The post Currently recommended daily protein intake too low for older people appeared first on Professor Health. Read the full story

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Monday 19 March 2018

Brisbane Personal Trainer Alan Lewis Blog Spot Article Pick Hard On Fitness Holland Park 4121 QLD Australia Tuesday 20th March 2018

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Is it safe to take exercise supplements?
Professor Health

An Australian woman with a genetic disorder died from consuming too many protein supplements, it was recently reported. The post Is it safe to take exercise supplements? appeared first on Professor Health. Read the full story

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Scientists unlock platypus milk mystery that could help fight superbugs
ABC News

Platypuses are, plainly put, oddly shaped. Now it seems an unusual ringlet-shaped protein in their milk could be a new weapon in the fight against superbugs. Read the full story

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Alan Lewis Personal Trainer Blog Spot Article Pick Hard On Fitness Holland Park 4121 QLD Australia Monday 19th March 2018

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Common Causes of Infertility in Women and Natural Remedies for Infertility

Infertility is a common medical issue experienced by most women, one out of every six women has this problem and it is behind the high rate of divorce this days. Female infertility accounts for one-third of all fertility cases. The main symptom of this condition is the inability of a woman to get pregnant or... Read the full story

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Cancer patients up to five times more likely to take their own life, says study
The Independent

Cancer patients are up to five times more likely to take their own life than the general population and need more support to identify and treat depression, researchers have warned. Read the full story

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What happens to pregnant women when disaster strikes
ABC News

Pregnant women are particularly vulnerable when caught up in an environmental disaster, with the stress hormone cortisol linked to low birth weights and an elevated level of toxins a threat to the developing foetus, write Cynthia Parayiwa and Alison Behie. Read the full story

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Could mindfulness prevent major depression?
Medical News Today

A weekly session of mindfulness meditation may help to prevent the development of major depression in those with subclinical depression, a new study finds. Read the full story

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New drug could reduce hot flashes 'by 72 percent'
Medical News Today

Fresh analysis of trial data finds that a new class of drug rapidly reduces severity and frequency of hot flashes and other symptoms in menopausal women. Read the full story

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Dry throat: Causes, treatments, and home remedies
Medical News Today

A dry throat can result in a cracking or croaking feeling while speaking or breathing. There are many potential causes with a range of remedies. Read the full story

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Wednesday 14 March 2018

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Back pain after eating: 8 causes and how to treat them
Medical News Today

A range of issues can cause back pain after eating, including poor posture, ulcers, and even a heart attack. Learn about symptoms and prevention here. Read the full story

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Nausea before a period: PMS and other causes
Medical News Today

Feeling nauseated before a period is common, and is often linked to PMS. Find out more about causes, treatments, and when to see a doctor. Read the full story

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Flu shot ingredients: What they contain and why
Medical News Today

Find out what ingredients are in a flu shot and why. We also discuss the benefits, risks, and side effects of flu shots, and who should avoid them. Read the full story

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Colon cancer breakthrough could lead to prevention

And what foods can help prevent Colon cancer? The post Colon cancer breakthrough could lead to prevention appeared first on Knowridge Science Report. Read the full story

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What Is Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis? Stephen Hawking Suffered From Motor Neuron Disease
International Business Times

Revolutionary scientist, physicist and author Stephen Hawking, who spent most of his lifetime chained to a wheelchair because of a degenerative neuromuscular disease, died at the age of 76 in the early hours of Wednesday in Cambridge, England, a spokesman for his family confirmed. Professor Hawking's children, Lucy, Robert and Tim, said in a statement that Hawking died at his home in Cambridge peacefully, surrounded by his family. They said: "We are deeply saddened that our beloved father passed Read the full story

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Alan Lewis Personal Trainer Blog Spot Article Pick Hard On Fitness Holland Park 4121 QLD Australia Thursday 15th March 2018

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Doctors hunt for hidden cancers with glowing dyes
ABC News

Researchers are testing fluorescent dyes that make cancer cells glow to make them easier for surgeons to find, giving patients a better shot at survival Read the full story

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Tuesday 13 March 2018

Personal Trainer Alan Lewis Blog Spot Article Pick Hard On Fitness Holland Park 4121 QLD Australia Wednesday 14th March 2018

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10 facts every woman should know about heart disease
Health Minute

Nearly every minute, a woman dies from heart disease in the United States – it is the number one killer of women, causing one in three deaths each year, according to the American Heart Association (AHA). The post 10 facts every woman should know about heart disease appeared first on Health Minute. Read the full story

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Omega-3 fatty acid could help treat autoimmunity in type 1 diabetes
Health Minute

Type 1 diabetes (T1D) is an autoimmune condition that develops after the immune system attacks and destroys pancreatic β cells, leading to impaired insulin production. The post Omega-3 fatty acid could help treat autoimmunity in type 1 diabetes appeared first on Health Minute. Read the full story

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Brisbane Personal Trainer Alan Lewis Blog Spot Article Pick Hard On Fitness Holland Park 4121 QLD Australia Wednesday 14th March 2018

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Bence Jones protein in urine: Tests and causes
Medical News Today

Learn about the Bence Jones protein urine test that is used to help diagnose multiple myeloma. What can you expect from the test and the results? Read the full story

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Monday 12 March 2018

Personal Trainer Alan Lewis Blog Spot Article Pick Hard On Fitness australia Tuesday 13th March 2018

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My periods made me so suicidal that I had a hysterectomy at 28
New York Post

For two weeks every month, Lucie used to feel "possessed." She began suffering from severe depression, anxiety and panic attacks, becoming almost unrecognizable next to the calm, happy child she had been before she hit puberty at 13. She tells the BBC that when she was 14, the self-harm and mood swings became so bad that her parents had to pull her out of school and send her to live in an adolescent mental health unit. There, she was treated for OCD and PTSD, neither of which seemed to fit the Read the full story

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Weaning Can Cause A Major Shift In Your Hormones, So Here's How To Prepare

There are some things that come along with womanhood that, at the beginning and close of every chapter, like to stick around no matter the event. They are the dreaded hormones and they make their appearance at seemingly every major life turn as a fem… Read the full story

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Holland Park 4121 QLD Personal Trainer Alan Lewis Blog Spot Article Pick Hard On Fitness Australia Tuesday 13th March

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Why Erin Andrews Kept Her Cervical Cancer Diagnosis Hidden From Her Co-Workers

It was fall 2016, and Erin Andrews felt great. At 38 years old, she exercised, ate well, and had a successful TV career as a sports reporter and the host of Dancing with the Stars. So when she had her annual checkup at the gynecologist, she expected to receive a clean bill of health. Instead, she was told she had cervical cancer. Cervical cancer affects up to 12,000 women each year. It is both preventable and treatable, and yet 4,000 of the women diagnosed ultimately succumb to the illness Read the full story

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Sunday 11 March 2018

Brisbane Personal Trainer Alan Lewis Blog Spot Article Pick Hard On Fitness Holland Park 4121 QLD Australia Monday March 12 2018

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The Right Health Care Team to Treat Diabetes: Tips from Type 1 Patients

Having the right support makes all the difference. Type 1 diabetes management can get reduced to insulin management and blood sugar checks, but controlling all aspects of diabetes requires a troop of medical support. This is not a job for your primary care doc alone. "Diabetes is not treated by just having one practitioner," says Liz Van Voorhis, who was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at age 15. According to the American Diabetes Association, a typical type 1 diabetes patient should see Read the full story

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Alan Lewis Personal Trainer Blog Spot Article Pick Hard On Fitness Holland Park 4121 QLD Australia Monday 12th March 2018

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We Might Have Finally Found The Trigger For Autoimmune Diseases

Scientists have identified a chain reaction that explains why our own bodies can turn against healthy cells, potentially transforming the way we look at autoimmune diseases and the way we treat them. Read the full story

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Is colonoscopy really king for colorectal cancer detection?
Health Minute

There's a culture clash regarding colonoscopy. The post Is colonoscopy really king for colorectal cancer detection? appeared first on Health Minute. Read the full story

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Holland Park 4121 QLD Personal Trainer Alan Lewis Blog Spot Pick Hard On Fitness Australia Monday 12th March 2018

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Herbalist charged in death of diabetic boy treated with oils

LOS ANGELES (AP) — Los Angeles prosecutors have charged an herbalist in the 2014 death of a diabetic 13-year-old boy he treated with oils. Read the full story

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Does Caffeine Cause Osteopenia in Premature Infants? - Sleep Review
Sleep Review

A study published in BMC Pediatrics assessed whether caffeine, prescribed to treat breathing apneas of prematurity, increases the risk for osteopenia in infants, reports Medical News Bulletin. While the cause of preterm birth is often unknown, many risk factors exist such as diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, and tobacco smoking. Additionally, premature infants are at a greater risk for delays in development, hearing problems, and breathing apneas. Get the full story at Read the full story

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Wednesday 7 March 2018

Personal Trainer Alan Lewis Blog Spot Article Pick Hard On Fitness Holland Park 4121 QLD Australia Friday 9th March 2018

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Renowned cardiologist says new blood pressure guidelines not good for all
Science Magazine

Credit: Houston Methodist HOUSTON-(March 7, 2018) - One of the nation's leading cardiologists is challenging the new hypertension guidelines, perhaps sparing up to 10 million people from unnec.. Read the full story

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Cancer therapy machine company set for SA

A company that builds cancer-fighting proton therapy machines will set up an assembly, test and training plant in Adelaide. Work on ProTom's centre of excellence will begin later this year and is set for completion in 2019. The base will create 100 ongoing jobs, as well as 65 temporary positions during construction. Chief executive Stephen Spotts said South Australia was chosen for the quality of its workforce. "Engineers and tradespeople in knowledge-intensive sectors like aerospace, defence Read the full story

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Holland Park 4121 QLD Australia Personal Trainer Alan Lewis Blog Spot Article Pick Hard On Fitness Friday 9th March 2018

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Is colonoscopy really king for colorectal cancer detection?
Health Minute

There's a culture clash regarding colonoscopy. The post Is colonoscopy really king for colorectal cancer detection? appeared first on Health Minute. Read the full story

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Tuesday 6 March 2018

Brisbane QLD 4121 Personal Trainer Alan Lewis Blog Spot article Pick Hard On fitness Thursday 8th March 2018

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Jane Brody's Personal Secrets to Lasting Weight Loss
The New York Times

I read nutrition labels before I buy anything in a package, I practice portion control, and I exercise and weigh myself every day. Read the full story

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High-protein diet eliminates metabolic benefit of weight loss
Health Minute

A high-protein diet is often recommended by nutritionists to help build muscle and lose fat. The post High-protein diet eliminates metabolic benefit of weight loss appeared first on Health Minute. Read the full story

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                         Study: People Whose Parents Pressured Them To Diet Will Likely Do The Same With Their Own Kids

Making someone feel bad about their body is never OK and body-shaming, whether it's from a bully on the playground or from someone at home, can have serious effects on a child that can linger into adulthood. In fact, according to new research, those … Read the full story

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Britain's new diet: the 400-600-600 plan to counter obesity
The Telegraph

Britain needs to go on a diet, Public Health England has warned, as it set out new calorie guidelines to cut meal sizes, ruling out favourites like Fish and Chips or a Sunday Roast. Read the full story

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High-protein diet eliminates metabolic benefit of weight loss
Professor Health

A high-protein diet is often recommended by nutritionists to help build muscle and lose fat. The post High-protein diet eliminates metabolic benefit of weight loss appeared first on Professor Health. Read the full story

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Monday 5 March 2018

Holland Park 4121 QLD Personal Trainer Alan Lewis Blog Spot Article Pick Hard On Fitness Australia Wednesday 7th March 2018

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Left brain vs. right brain: Characteristics, functions, and myths
Medical News Today

In this article, we explore the idea that people can be left-brained or right-brained, and look at the different functions of the two hemispheres. Read the full story

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Why you should avoid sipping your drinks
Medical News Today

Researchers reveal that how we consume dietary acids, such as fruit juices and soda, can have a significant impact on our risk of tooth erosion. Read the full story

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Can we 'deactivate' celiac disease?
Medical News Today

Celiac disease is underpinned by a complex chemical reaction. Researchers have now found a way to deactivate a crucial part of this reaction, which may — in the future — make it possible to treat the condition. Read the full story

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How to reduce the risk for sunburn and skin cancer
Health Minute

Sun safety is always in season, and it's important to protect your skin from sun damage throughout the year, no matter the weather. The post How to reduce the risk for sunburn and skin cancer appeared first on Health Minute. Read the full story

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It takes lots of vitamin D to maintain strong bones
Health Minute

Elderly women should take in more vitamin D than previously recommended during the winter months, according to a new study. The post It takes lots of vitamin D to maintain strong bones appeared first on Health Minute. Read the full story

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7 lifestyle-related risk factors for breast cancer
Health Minute

Certain breast cancer risk factors are related to personal behaviors, such as diet and exercise. The post 7 lifestyle-related risk factors for breast cancer appeared first on Health Minute. Read the full story

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Sunday 4 March 2018

Brisbane Personal Trainer Alan Lewis Holland Park 4121 QLD Blog spot Article Pick Hard On fitness Australia Monday 5th March 2018

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'I'm The Fitness Director Of Women's Health—And This Is My Secret To Staying Fit'
Women's Health

In my eight-plus years as the fitness director at Women's Health, I've had thousands of conversations about working out and eating well. They all go a li'l something like this: What do you think about this hot new diet? Is that buzzy boutique fitness class the next big thing? What secret set of rules do you follow? Everyone's looking for that one answer—the holy grail, the game changer. But my answer is always the same. For true change, you have to shift your mindset. (You can find all of my Read the full story

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