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Personal Trainer Alan Lewis Blog Spot News review Hard On Fitness Holland Park 4121 QLD Australia Saturday 7th October 2017

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Hard On Fitness
Article Review
We invite you to check out this fascinating article.
We rate this article 3 out of Five. 

The Best Breakfast For Weight Loss
Australian Women's Health

THE BEST BREAKFAST FOR WEIGHT LOSS Chowing down heartily in the AM might be the key to losing weight THE BEST BREAKFAST FOR WEIGHT LOSS Chowing down heartily in the AM might be the key to losing weight Women's Health Elizabeth Narins 7/19/2016 4:11 AM 7/19/2016 4:19 AM There's a new reason to eat breakfast—and to make it a big one. Eating half your daily calories in the morning might help you lose weight more efficiently, according to new Israeli research published in the journal Obesity. For Read the full story

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Is It Harder For Women To Lose Weight Than Men?
Australian Women's Health

IS IT HARDER FOR WOMEN TO LOSE WEIGHT THAN MEN? Anyone who's ever gone on a diet with her S.O. knows how annoying it is to see him drop pounds like that. Find out what's behind the gender gap IS IT HARDER FOR WOMEN TO LOSE WEIGHT THAN MEN? Anyone who's ever gone on a diet with her S.O. knows how annoying it is to see him drop pounds like that. Find out what's behind the gender gap Women's Health Robin Hilmantel 7/15/2016 5:16 AM 7/15/2016 5:53 AM The question: Sometimes, it feels like men can Read the full story

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