Tuesday 2 May 2017

Alan Lewis News Blog Spot Hard On Fitness Holland Park 4121QLD article Of The Day Wednesday 3rd May2017

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Hard On Fitness
Article Review
We invite you to check out this fascinating article.
We rate this article 3 out of Five.

Men: If you want a fit and healthy son, start exercising before he's conceived

That's the finding of new research out of Melbourne's Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health, published in the journal Translational Psychiatry. A Florey team made the finding by studying groups of mice: one group of fitness-loving mice was put onto a four-week regime on their exercise wheels, while a second group of (to use the words of the institute's media statement) "Homer Simpson" mice laid around and, presumably, drank beer and ate doughnuts. Both groups of mice were then mated Read the full story

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