Friday 19 May 2017

alan Lewis Personal Trainer Blog Spot News Hard On Fitness Holland Park4121 Australia Saturday 20th May 2017

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Hard On Fitness
Article Review
We invite you to check out this fascinating article.
We rate this article 4 out of Five.

Why fitness is that one area in life where you can have it all

One of the biggest fitness trends of the last 12 months has been multi-sport workout and it's not hard to find proof of this rise. There is the runner outside your office on his way to boxing, one of the 480 Australian F45 gyms on every block, and the nippers of all ages who take over your beach every single weekend. Don't believe it? Just try to find a carpark at your local beach on a Sunday morning. Multi-sport training and its participants are now no longer a subculture forced into the Read the full story

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