Thursday 13 July 2017

Alan Lewis Personal Trainer Blog Spot Hard On Fitness Holland Park4121 QLD Australia Friday 14th July 2017

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Article Review
We invite you to check out this fascinating article.
We rate this article 4 out of Five.

Sugar is poison. My heart attack has finally opened my eyes to the truth | Giles Fraser: Loose canon
the guardian

Globally, diabetes has almost quadrupled in 35 years and yet the multibillion-dollar sugar industry is happy to keep us in the dark about why I am now a member of the zipper club. I know, I thought it sounded rude too. But apparently it's the club name for those of us who have a scar right down the middle of our chest. I have one down my leg too, from groin to ankle. And as I spend time recovering from a heart bypass operation – mostly doing very little, watching the cricket, reading the paper – Read the full story

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