Thursday 27 July 2017

Alan Lewis Personal Trainer Blog Spot News Hard On Fitness Holland Park 4121 QLD Australia Friday 28th July 2017

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One more reason to eat walnuts: they're good for your gut

For a study published in the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, rats were fed either a diet that included ground walnuts (an amount equivalent to about half a cup a day for humans) or a walnut-free diet. After 10 weeks, the walnut rats had a significant increase in the diversity of their gut bacteria — because walnuts act as a prebiotic, which means they feed and nourish the beneficial microbes that inhabit your intestines. Lead researcher Dr Lauri Byerley, from Louisiana State University, Read the full story

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Tuesday 25 July 2017

Alan Lewis Personal Trainer Blog Spot Hard On Fitness Holland Park 4121 QLD Australia Wednesday 26th July 2017

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Article Review
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We rate this article 4 out of Five. 

Weight Bias in Health Care: The Shocking Ways Large Women Are Mistreated

We asked women to share their experiences with fat-phobia and weight bias in health care. Their stories are telling. Read the full story

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Monday 24 July 2017

Alan Lewis Personal Trainer Blog Spot Hard On Fitness Holland Park 4121 QLD Australia Tuesday 25th July2017

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Friday 21 July 2017

Alan Lewis Personal Trainer Blog Spot Hard On Fitness Holland Park 4121 QLD Australia Saturday 22nd July 2017

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Why is red wine healthy one day then unhealthy the next? Because nutrition science is really, really complicated

On Monday red wine is good for you, on Tuesday it's best avoided, and by Wednesday it's back to being good for you again. Lately it seems like every nutrition study contradicts the last, and trying to be healthy has never felt more complicated. It's not just #fakenews and teenage bloggers muddying the health news waters. The problem, you see, is that nutrition science is really, really complicated. Here's why. Controlled, long-term human studies are almost impossible One of the reasons there's Read the full story

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Thursday 20 July 2017

Alan Lewis Personal Trainer Blog Spot Holland Park 4121 QLD Australia Friday 21st July 2017

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We rate this article  3out of Five.

Think you're too old to jog? You'd better think again

If you're not ready to lace up your running shoes yet, keep reading. Here are 6 benefits of jogging after 50. Read the full story

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Wednesday 19 July 2017

Alan Lewis Personal Trainer Blog Spot Hard On Fitness Holland Park 4121 QLD Australia Thursday 20th July

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Article Review
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We rate this article 4 out of Five. 

Why one nutritionist is urging women to give up weighing themselves
Daily Mail

Sydney-based nutritionist, Jessica Sepel, believes women need to stop weighing themselves for three months in order to become healthier. She said weight can vary by two kilos at different times. Read the full story

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Tuesday 18 July 2017

Alan Lewis Personal Trainer Blog Spot Hard On Fitness Holland Park4121 QLD Australia Wednesday 19th July2017

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Hard On Fitness
Article Review
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We rate this article 3 out of Five. 

7 Ways Exercise Helps Relieve Back Pain
Life by Daily Burn

The key to relieving back problems: move more and you'll ache less. Not convinced? Here's seven reasons why you need exercise for back pain relief. Read the full story

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Monday 17 July 2017

Alan Lewis Personal Trainer Blog Spot Hard On Fitness Holland Park 4121 QLD Australia Tuesday 18th July 2017

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Hard On Fitness
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We rate this article 3 out of Five.

Sugar is poison. My heart attack has finally opened my eyes to the truth | Giles Fraser: Loose canon
the guardian

Globally, diabetes has almost quadrupled in 35 years and yet the multibillion-dollar sugar industry is happy to keep us in the dark about why I am now a member of the zipper club. I know, I thought it sounded rude too. But apparently it's the club name for those of us who have a scar right down the middle of our chest. I have one down my leg too, from groin to ankle. And as I spend time recovering from a heart bypass operation – mostly doing very little, watching the cricket, reading the paper – Read the full story

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Thursday 13 July 2017

Alan Lewis Personal Trainer Blog Spot Hard On Fitness Holland Park4121 QLD Australia Friday 14th July 2017

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Hard On Fitness
Article Review
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We rate this article 4 out of Five.

Sugar is poison. My heart attack has finally opened my eyes to the truth | Giles Fraser: Loose canon
the guardian

Globally, diabetes has almost quadrupled in 35 years and yet the multibillion-dollar sugar industry is happy to keep us in the dark about why I am now a member of the zipper club. I know, I thought it sounded rude too. But apparently it's the club name for those of us who have a scar right down the middle of our chest. I have one down my leg too, from groin to ankle. And as I spend time recovering from a heart bypass operation – mostly doing very little, watching the cricket, reading the paper – Read the full story

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Tuesday 11 July 2017

Alan Lewis Personal Trainer Blog Spot Hard On Fitness Holland Park 4121 QLD Wednesday 12th July 2017

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We rate this article 3 out of Five.

Pharmacists are trusted medical professionals, so they shouldn't sell remedies that lack evidence
The Conversation 

Pharmacies are trusted medical professionals, so people trust their products. from A government review has recommended pharmacists explain to consumers the limited evidence for effectiveness of complementary medicines, and keep them in a separate area to regulated medications with proven effectiveness. The review also recommended any pharmacy that receives Commonwealth government approval to dispense PBS medicines should not be able to sell homeopathic medicines. This Read the full story

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Monday 10 July 2017

Alan Lewis Personal Trainer Blog Spot Hard On Fitness Holland Park 4121 QLD Tuesday 11th July 2017

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Hard On Fitness
Article Review
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We rate this article  4out of Five. 


The two-handled teapot and other clever gadgets to tackle arthritis
Daily Mail

A range of specialist products and gadgets claim to ease the pain of sore, stiff joints or make life easier for people with arthritis. Here, Dr Tom Margham assesses a selection of products. Read the full story

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Thursday 6 July 2017

Alan Lewis Personal Trainer Blog Spot Hard On Fitness Holland Park 4121 QLD Australia Friday 6th July 2017

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We rate this article 4 out of Five.

Meet the real culprits responsible for your nasty cold or flu symptoms
ABC News

Viruses cause colds and flu, but it's a handful of chemicals in our immune system that are behind the achy, sneezy, runny side of things. Read the full story

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Tuesday 4 July 2017

Alan Lewis Personal Trainer Blog Spot Hard On Fitness Holland Park4121 QLD Australia Wednesday 5th July 2017

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Hard On Fitness
Article Review
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We rate this article 3 out of Five. 

How To Maintain Health And Fitness of Your Kids
Bayside Journal

Today more than ever it is harder to maintain a healthy lifestyle with sedentary pastimes such as watching television, playing video games and surfing the Internet competing for our kid's time and replacing more physical activities. Combined with the easy availability and low cost of unhealthy processed foods or 'junk food', then this can have... Read the full story

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Monday 3 July 2017

Alan Lewis Personal Trainer Blog Spot Hard On Fitness Holland Park 4121 QLD Australia Tuesday 4th July 2017

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We rate this article 4 out of Five.A

The three most important diet changes: More fish, more fruit, less soft drink

Research presented at a meeting of the European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) suggests those are the three elements that will give you the best odds of preventing certain types of cancer. "We found that each one of these three choices was associated with a little more than 30 percent reduced odds of a person having an advanced, pre-cancerous colorectal lesion, compared to people who did not eat any of the Mediterranean diet components," said researcher Dr Naomi Fliss Isakov, from Tel-Aviv Read the full story

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