Sunday 28 May 2017

Alan Lewis News Blog Spot Hard On Fitness Holland Park 4121 QLD Australia Monday 29th May 2017

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Is Zinc the Best Remedy for the Common Cold?

Researchers in a new study say high doses of zinc significantly helped people with cold symptoms Read the full story

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Tuesday 23 May 2017

Alan Lewis Blog Spot News Hard On Fitness Holland Park 4121 QLD article Wednesday 24th May 2017

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Positive psychology: what it is, and and how you can use it for yourself

Many people have probably heard the term "positive psychology", but know little about what it means in practice. Positive psychology aims to find ways to make life better for people, and ensure they're the most mentally healthy person they can be. Officially established in 1998, positive psychology is a relatively new field. It has quickly become popular among researchers, and blogs about happiness and well-being are now commonplace. Positive psychology suggests that getting rid of sickness, Read the full story

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Monday 22 May 2017

Alan Lewis News Blog Spot Hard On Fitness Holland Park 4121 QLD Australia Tuesday 23rd May 2017

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Article Review
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We rate this article  3 out of Five.

Everything you need to know about low impact steady state exercise
The Telegraph

The urge to exercise doesn't come naturally to everyone – especially if the workout in question is a boot-camp-style, sweat-drenching, burpee-loaded HIIT (high-intensity interval training) class. However, experts have thrown us a bone and declared that LISS (low-impact steady state) workouts are just as effective for keeping us in shape. Read the full story

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Sunday 21 May 2017

Alan Lewis Blog Spot News Hard On Fitness Holland Park 4121 QLD Australia Monday 22nd May 2017

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Injury & the Importance of Recovery
Deliberate Magazine

Some people find it difficult to give up their gym routine even when they have an injury. Day in, day out, people push themselves in spite of the pain. But, admirable as it may seem, this is a horrible decision to make for long term fitness. Read the full story

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Friday 19 May 2017

alan Lewis Personal Trainer Blog Spot News Hard On Fitness Holland Park4121 Australia Saturday 20th May 2017

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We rate this article 4 out of Five.

Why fitness is that one area in life where you can have it all

One of the biggest fitness trends of the last 12 months has been multi-sport workout and it's not hard to find proof of this rise. There is the runner outside your office on his way to boxing, one of the 480 Australian F45 gyms on every block, and the nippers of all ages who take over your beach every single weekend. Don't believe it? Just try to find a carpark at your local beach on a Sunday morning. Multi-sport training and its participants are now no longer a subculture forced into the Read the full story

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Thursday 18 May 2017

Alan Lewis News Blog Spot Friday 19th May2017 Hard On Fitness Holland Park 4121 QLD Australia

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Article Review
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We rate this article 3 out of Five.

The dark side of scented candles: they make the air in your home dirtier

Let's be real: burning a scented candle before bedtime just feels fancy. But there's a potential downside to that warm, flickering glow: it's contributing to indoor air pollution in your home. In a study published in PLOS One, researchers from San Diego State University investigated the factors contributing to indoor air pollution by installing air particle monitors in the homes of 300 families, which all had at least one child younger than 14 and one adult smoker. For three months, the monitors Read the full story

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Alan Lewis News Blog Spot Friday 19th May2017 Hard On Fitness Holland Park 4121 QLD Australia

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Article Review
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We rate this article 3 out of Five.

The dark side of scented candles: they make the air in your home dirtier

Let's be real: burning a scented candle before bedtime just feels fancy. But there's a potential downside to that warm, flickering glow: it's contributing to indoor air pollution in your home. In a study published in PLOS One, researchers from San Diego State University investigated the factors contributing to indoor air pollution by installing air particle monitors in the homes of 300 families, which all had at least one child younger than 14 and one adult smoker. For three months, the monitors Read the full story

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Tuesday 16 May 2017

alan Lewis Blog Spot News Hard On Fitness Holland Park 4121QLD Australia Wednesday 17thMay 2017

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We rate this article 3out of Five.

Carbonated water in fizzy drinks could be causing sneaky weight gain, study suggests

Sipping on a fizzy drink could compel you to eat more than if you'd just downed a glass of water, according to research that probed how carbonated beverages affect appetite. For the study, published in the journal Obesity Research and Clinical Practice, a research team from Birzeit University in Palestine gave lab rats one of four different types of drinks: a carbonated drink, a diet carbonated drink, a degassed carbonated drink (that had gone flat), and regular water. Over the course of the Read the full story

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Sunday 14 May 2017

Alan Lewis News Blog Spot Hard On Fitness Holland Park 4121 QLD Australia Monday 15th May 2017

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Article Review
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We rate this article 4 out of Five. 

Advantages of Living a Healthy Lifestyle

I believe that exercise and healthy eating are needed to improve us as people. Neglecting to take care of these responsibilities can harm our bodies not only physically but mentally too.I think eating healthy and working out are important because it gives us drive and keeps us motivated. A healthy body produces a healthy mind. So keeping ourself healthy must be the top priority in our check list. 'Health is wealth' is applicable not only for the older groups but also to the younger Read More Read the full story

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Thursday 11 May 2017

Alan Lewis News Blog Spot Holland Park QLD Australia Friday May 12 2017

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Article Review
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We rate this article 3 out of Five. 

4 tips to Improve Your Life Through Nutrition
The Good Men Project

Increase your energy, fix your digestion, sleep better, and more, all through power of food. Read the full story

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Alan Lewis News Blog Spot Hard On Fitness QLD 4121 Australia 12May 2017

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Article Review
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We rate this article  4out of Five.

FDA proposes that doctors learn about acupuncture for pain management

Chiropractors and acupuncturists who have lobbied for a bigger role in treating pain have won a preliminary endorsement from federal health officials. The Food and Drug Administration released proposed changes Wednesday to its blueprint on educating health care providers about treating pain. The guidelines now recommend that doctors get information about chiropractic care and acupuncture as therapies that might help patients avoid prescription opioids. Read the rest... Read the full story

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Wednesday 10 May 2017

Alan Lewis News Blog Spot Hard On Fitness Holland Park 4121 QLD Australia Wednesday 10th May2017

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We rate this article  3out of Five.

Nearly 1 in 3 drugs found to have safety concerns after FDA approval

How often are safety concerns raised about a drug after it's been approved by the FDA? The post Nearly 1 in 3 drugs found to have safety concerns after FDA approval appeared first on Knowridge Science Report. Read the full story

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Monday 8 May 2017

Alan Lewis Hard On Fitness Hollandd Park 4121 QLD Australia Interview With Sarah Gittins

Hard ON Fitness 

  Alan Lewis interviews  Sarah Gittins  this is the start of our interviews what will be able to be found on Pod Cast and You tube the first interview    Is with Sarah Gittins who is a podiatrist our feet  is something that we all should take cair of . Thanks to Sarah Gittins we have many interviews to come. If you know any one interesting in the health  industry or someone who has changed your life or  someone you know make shore you let us know by sending a message by email or Face Book


Sunday 7 May 2017

Alan Lewis News Blog Spot Hard On Fitness Holland Park 4121 Qld Australia article for Monday 8th May2017

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Setting a trap to treat stroke

A surgical method to ensnare and remove debilitating blood clots with technology known as a stent retriever has helped some ischemic stroke patients recover quicker and more fully after symptoms strike. The post Setting a trap to treat stroke appeared first on Knowridge Science Report. Read the full story

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Friday 5 May 2017

Alan Lewis News Blog Spot Hard On Fitness Holland Park 4121 QLD Australia article Sat6th May 2017

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Video Review
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We rate this video   4 out of Five.

These Are the 3 Best Walking Workouts

There's more than one way to hit that daily step target Read the full story

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Thursday 4 May 2017

Alan Lewis News Blog Spot Hard On Fitness Holland Park 4121QLD Australia article for Friday 5th May2017

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We rate this video 5  out of Five.

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Tuesday 2 May 2017

Alan Lewis News Blog Spot Hard On Fitness Holland Park 4121QLD article Of The Day Wednesday 3rd May2017

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We rate this article 3 out of Five.

Men: If you want a fit and healthy son, start exercising before he's conceived

That's the finding of new research out of Melbourne's Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health, published in the journal Translational Psychiatry. A Florey team made the finding by studying groups of mice: one group of fitness-loving mice was put onto a four-week regime on their exercise wheels, while a second group of (to use the words of the institute's media statement) "Homer Simpson" mice laid around and, presumably, drank beer and ate doughnuts. Both groups of mice were then mated Read the full story

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