Tuesday 28 February 2017

News Blog Spot Hard On Fitness Holland Park4121 QLD Australia Article of the day

Find us on Podcast and YouTube in 2017! Interviews with sports specialists, doctors, business Directors, health advocates and a wide array of extraordinary yet everyday people . Hard On Fitness Tried and True Methods Change Your Life Train with a Personal Trainer Call now 0407 594 861 Hard On Fitness Article Review We invite you to check out this fascinating article. We rate this article  3out of Five.

GAPS diet: Do its claims to heal leaky gut and treat autism stand up?

Most of us wouldn't think that autism, ADHD and multiple sclerosis have much in common, but proponents of the GAPS protocol claim they all stem from a "leaky gut". GAPS stands for both "gut and psychology syndrome" and "gut and physiology syndrome". It posits that with careful dietary changes you can strengthen your gut so that toxins don't "leak" into the body and travel to the brain to make their way through the blood-brain barrier. The GAPS diet posits that a leaky gut is behind so many of Read the full story

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News Blog Spot Hard On Fitness Holland Park4121 QLD Australia Article OF The Day

Find us on Podcast and YouTube in 2017!
Interviews with sports specialists, doctors, business Directors, health advocates and a wide array of extraordinary yet everyday people .
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Hard On Fitness
Article Review
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We rate this article  3out of Five.

Strength isn't just for men, declares an Olympic hopeful

What is it like to lift more than the boys? Incredible! Nothing gives me more satisfaction than when I jump on the bench press after a man and add 10kg. "Do you need a spotter, looks like you might," they'll preach. "Thanks pal, I've got this," I reply. Being a female athlete can be tough, particularly in a male-dominated sporting domain. Within my own training environment, it's a perfect bubble — boys and girls training together, inequality is out the window, and egos and gender identities are Read the full story

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Sunday 26 February 2017

Blog Spot News Hard On Fitness Holland Park 4121 QLD Australia Article Of The Day

Find us on Podcast and YouTube in 2017!
Interviews with sports specialists, doctors, business Directors, health advocates and a wide array of extraordinary yet everyday people .
Hard On Fitness
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Hard On Fitness
Article Review
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We rate this article   3out of Five.

Gradual Improvements in Cardio Fitness Can Help You Live Longer

Have you ever tried to push through an intense workout, only to find that you just couldn't make it without stopping several times to rest? It may certainly feel like defeat when you're standing there out of breath with your hands on your knees, but new research suggests that starting off slow is the way to go. The benefits of gradually improving from low levels of cardiovascular fitness to intermediate levels over an extended period of time can add years to your life. Read the full story

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Thursday 23 February 2017

News Hard On Fitness Holland Park4121 Qld Australia Article Of the day

Find us on Podcast and YouTube in 2017!
Interviews with sports specialists, doctors, business Directors, health advocates and a wide array of extraordinary yet everyday people .
Hard On Fitness
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Call now 0407 594 861

Hard On Fitness
Article Review
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We rate this article   3out of Five.

March Charge: Aussie man runs 1000km in a year to support his wife after her cancer diagnosis

What better to join the Cancer Council's March Charge, a personal fitness campaign encouraging Australians to move as much as possible, record their kilometres, and raise funds for cancer research, prevention and support. One man supporting the March Charge is Dan Bunting, who early in 2016 set himself the challenge of running 1000km in a year to support his wife Sarah, who was diagnosed with bowel cancer in February. Sadly, Sarah died on July 14, five-and-a-half months after he diagnosis. Yet Read the full story

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Monday 20 February 2017

NEWS Hard On Fitness Holland Park 4121QLD Australia Article of the Day

Find us on Podcast and YouTube in 2017!
Interviews with sports specialists, doctors, business Directors, health advocates and a wide array of extraordinary yet everyday people .
Hard On Fitness
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Hard On Fitness
Article Review
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We rate this article 3  out of Five.

We really DO grow up: You're a totally different person at 14 and 77
Daily Mail

University of Edinburgh researchers carried out a personality test on Scottish school children in 1947 and then again 63 years later - and results show they had completely different characters. Read the full story

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Sunday 19 February 2017

NEWS Hard On Fitness Holland Park4121QLD Australia Article of the Day your Digestive system

Find us on Podcast and YouTube in 2017!
Interviews with sports specialists, doctors, business Directors, health advocates and a wide array of extraordinary yet everyday people .
Hard On Fitness
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Hard On Fitness
Article Review
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We rate this article 3 out of Five.

Aging and digestive health: 6 factors to watch for

Your digestive system works hard every day to digest the food you consume. The post Aging and digestive health: 6 factors to watch for appeared first on Knowridge Science Report. Read the full story

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Tuesday 14 February 2017

News Hard On Fitness Holland Park4121 WLD Australia article of the day

Find us on Podcast and YouTube in 2017! Interviews with sports specialists, doctors, business Directors, health advocates and a wide array of extraordinary yet everyday people . Hard On Fitness Tried and True Methods Change Your Life Train with a Personal Trainer Call now 0407 594 861 Hard On Fitness Article Review We invite you to check out this fascinating article. We rate this article 3  out of Five.

Footballers could be at risk of dementia from blows to the head, study suggests
the guardian

Findings show potential link between repeated sub-concussive head impacts and degenerative disease, although no clear link to football established Read the full story

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Sunday 12 February 2017

News Hard On Fitness Holland Park QLD4121 Australia Article of the day

Find us on Podcast and YouTube in 2017! Interviews with sports specialists, doctors, business Directors, health advocates and a wide array of extraordinary yet everyday people . Hard On Fitness Tried and True Methods Change Your Life Train with a Personal Trainer Call now 0407 594 861 Hard On Fitness Article Review We invite you to check out this fascinating article. We rate this article 3 out of Five.

The Role of Probiotics in Gastrointestinal Diseases
Medical News Bulletin

A European group of authors reviewed the literature to summarize the possible role of probiotics in the treatment of different gastrointestinal conditions and found that mainly by improving intestinal barrier function, these microorganisms may have beneficial effects in these diseases. The human gastrointestinal system contains both resident and transient bacteria. One kind of the […] The post The Role of Probiotics in Gastrointestinal Diseases appeared first on Medical News Bulletin. Read the full story

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Thursday 2 February 2017

News Hard on Fitness Holland Park 4121 QLD Australia article of the day

Find us on Podcast and YouTube in 2017!
Interviews with sports specialists, doctors, business Directors, health advocates and a wide array of extraordinary yet everyday people .
Hard On Fitness
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Call now 0407 594 861

Hard On Fitness
Article Review
We invite you to check out this fascinating article.
We rate this article   4out of Five.

How men and women experience depression differently

We associate depression with feeling sad, but that's often not how men experience it. In fact, for men the symptoms of depression are often physical – with insomnia, stress, anger and irritability often signalling a mental health imbalance. In contrast, women tend to internalise their feelings, with experts saying they're more likely to focus on emotional symptoms, such as self-blame or worthlessness. "Historically men have been taught to be brave and stoic and tough – they're less likely to Read the full story

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