Tuesday 26 February 2013

Gluten Free Energy Biscuits


Hard On Fitness Your Private Personal Training Studio Holland Park QLD


Hard On Fitness experienced Personal Trainers  over the last 15 years, Have been helping Brisbane residents to ditch the extra weight they have been carrying around  There is no faster way to accelerate your results than by having a personal trainer.

Gluten Free Energy Biscuits


1 cup brown rice flour (you can use plain flour)

1 cup brown sugar

1 ¼ cups rolled oats

1 cup coconut

¼ cup nuts, or seeds

125 gm butter melted

1 ½ tablespoons golden syrup

1 tablespoon water

1 teaspoon baking soda


Put all dry ingredients (except baking soda) in a large bowl & mix well. Melt the butter & golden syrup.

Add baking soda to the water & add to the butter mixture while still hot (this will froth up).

Add to the dry ingredients.  Mix well.

You can add chopped pecan nuts, sunflower seeds or choc bits if you want.

Place teaspoonfuls on a greased tray.

Bake for 13 minutes in a preheated 180 degree oven.


Personal Trainer


Recipe by Debbie Lewis


2012  Hall Of Fame

2009  Female  HOF ALL STAR

2008 HOF Female  Most improved 

          Starting year 2005


Personal Trainer



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The recipes found on this website are provided as suggestions only and without charge as part of our service to customers. We cannot guarantee that favorable results will be obtained from their use and, therefore, recommend that you conduct appropriate tests under your own operating conditions prior to adoption. The recipes are intended for use by persons having appropriate technical skill, at their own discretion and risk. We assume no obligation or liability, and makes no warranties, with respect to these recipes. Hard ON Fitness  or our  social network community that we allow to place info on our site  they are not responsible for any domestic accidents, fires or food poisoning that could result from preparation of the recipes, eating of raw eggs, meat and fish. We are not responsible for any kind of food borne disease.


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We are not responsible for the outcome of any recipe you try from this, or any website in our network. While we try to review each recipe carefully, you may not always achieve the results desired due to variations in ingredients, cooking temperatures, typos, errors, omissions, or individual cooking abilities. Please always use your best judgement when cooking with raw ingredients such as eggs, meat, chicken or fish.

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We do not hold any copyright or trademark, nor claim any ownership, to any copy cat (restaurant or product clone) recipe listed on the website(s). The recipes listed are not the original recipe unless specifically stated and are considered only to be acceptable "clones" to the original for the home cook to attempt to duplicate. Please also note that many nation-wide restaurant chains vary their menus and ingredients by region so the version provided may not be similar to what you may have tried before.

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1.  All ways see a Doctor before changing any diet if you have any medical problems or encase change to your diet could effect, your meds.

2. Children should have full supervision from a adult if they choose to use one of our recipes.

3. Any persons choosing to use any of Hard On Fitness  web site info should read all of our disclaimers before going ahead and using any of our info.     

















Monday 25 February 2013

Social Group


Hard On Fitness Your Private Personal Training Studio Holland Park QLD


Hard On Fitness experienced Personal Trainers  over the last 15 years, Have been helping Brisbane residents to ditch the extra weight they have been carrying around  There is no faster way to accelerate your results than by having a personal trainer.

Do you work in the garden? 

Do you struggle carrying the groceries?

Have you lost confidence with your walking and mobility, and going up and down the stairs?

Are you a keen golfer, and finding it harder and harder to walk those long fairways, or finding it more difficult to physically handle the day-to-day maintenance around the house?

Would you like to feel safer when at home alone?


Well, in 2013 Hard On Fitness brings you the Family and Friends Social Workout Group !! 

Training in a gym is not just for the bodybuilders!!

The Family and Friends Social Workout Group training sessions are specialised mainly for persons who are retired or partly retired, and are designed to get your friends and family together for a regular fun and energising group workout.

Groups can be any configuration, all male, all female or even mixed.  Create your own group, or if enough numbers, we can create a suitable group for you.  This program has been developed, not to be overly intensive, but so each group can take things at their own level and pace.  The exercises are gentle and safe, so don’t worry if you think at first you can’t do them.  Participants are also given extra suitable exercises that they can do in the comfort of their own home or with friends.

Hard On Fitness is a fully equipped private training studio, where the Trainer can dedicate their full time and attention to your group.   Personal Trainer

Another benefit of this program, is the Healthy Eating Plan (HEP), where you gain knowledge about delicious and appetising foods that are right for you.  Participating in the Family and Friends Social Workout Group, you will also gain some knowledge and skills for your own personal safety at home and when out in the community, giving you some added peace of mind.

If you are interested in participating in this new, exciting and energising program at Hard On Fitness, call Alan today on 0407594861.


From the Gym Floor


With the 2013 launch of the Family and Friends Social Workout Group at Hard On Fitness, Alan sat down with Shane to discuss this exciting new program.




Why is it so important for retired persons to maintain and improve their strength, fitness and coordination?


The main thing is to keep up strength and fitness for hobbies, sports and general duties around the house.  It is also important to strengthen bone density, plus improve core strength.  Doing this will reduce the potential of falling and injuring yourself.  And, if sustaining a fall, will mean you are less likely to break bones or do serious injury.  Personal Trainer

Improving your strength, fitness and coordination will just make your day-to-day life much easier, including things like sitting on or getting off a chair.  It could even potentially save your life, in the case of a fire or emergency!

Being fitter and stronger means you can be more active and involved with your children, grand children and friends, and in the long run improve your physical and mental health, and your lifespan.



What kinds of exercises can participants expect when doing this program? 


A wide range of cardio, weights and strengthening exercises.  However, all these exercises will be modified to the person's ability, until the participant and the Trainer feel safe, ready and confident to move to next level.  The program will be adjusted to suit. 


As well, we'll give you exercises you can perform outside the facility, at home, allowing you to improve and reach your goals.




What are the benefits of participants working out as a group, rather than working out alone? 


Training in a group is more social and more fun!  Also, you can support the other members in your group, and the other members in the group can support you.  You can also see each others’ progress along the way, and help keep each other motivated.  Why not continue the fun after the gym session, by going out to lunch or a light meal?



What are the benefits of working out and training in a private studio gym like Hard On Fitness?


You can feel safe and secure, because it will be only you and your group training.  Training this way, also means you have more direct time and support with your Personal Trainer.  Over time you will develop a bond with your Personal Trainer, and learn to put your trust in him or her to achieve the results you want.



How can regular group training sessions help you in other aspects of your life?


If you play lawn bowls, squash, tennis, golf, go fishing or are a keen walker, we can help customise exercises to help improve the strength, mobility and endurance to perform better at these activities.


Call 0407 594 861 today to book a consultation.

Personal Trainer

If you or your child have never exercised before, you should seek your Doctor’s clearance before starting exercise.  If you feel dizzy while training stop immediately and seek a Doctor’s advice.

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650 Cavendish Road, Holland Park, 4121 Queensland.

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