Thursday 2 August 2018

Brisbane Personal Trainer Alan Lewis Blog Spot Article PICk Hard On fitness Holland Park 4121 QLD Australia Thursday 2nd Aug 2018

Health Opportunity Future

H O F article pick

Article Review

We invite you to check out this fascinating article 

Scientists Explain Why Humans Are So Bad at Giving Up on Difficult Problems

In a new study published in the July issue of "Neuron" scientists explain the neuroscience behind why we don't give up when we experience failure and argue it all comes down to how the brain learns. Brain scans of monkeys show that activity changes when creatures stop learning. Read the full story

Shared from Apple News 

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Alan Lewis has been a personal trainer for over 20 years.

He opened H O F in 2002.  Alan has trained wide range of people from Mum & Dad, Children to Senior citizens variety of people who wanted to lose weight or gain muscle, as well has specialising in training people entering arm forces and emergency services as well people currently      serving .


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Health Opportunity Future


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