Information for

  • Young people
  • Women
  • Men
  • Older people
  • Multicultural people
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
  • Lesbian, gay, bi, trans, intersex (LGBTI) people
  • Pregnancy and early parenthood

Resources for

  • Schools and Universities
  • Workplaces
  • Aged care
  • Health professionals
  • Research

Get involved

beyondblue is all about people - people just like you. Here are some ways you can support our work.

  • Help us reduce the impact of anxiety and depression on the Australian community.
    Donate now
  • Fundraising for beyondblue is a fun and rewarding way to make a difference.
    Fundraise for us
  • Join our online community and share your experience of anxiety and/or depression. 
    Join our community
  • There are many ways organisations can get involved with beyondblue and help support the work we do.
    Corporate partnerships
  • Join our reference group and online community for people with a personal experience of anxiety and/or depression, their friends and family.
    Join blueVoices
  • Participate in, or run your own events on behalf of beyondblue.
  • Volunteering is a great way to get involved with beyondblueand help out in the community.
    Become a volunteer

Join our discussion

6 minutes ago

Depressed Partner Has Shut Me Out - Where to go from here? 

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20 minutes ago

Bipolar type II psychiatrist/ diagnosis question

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22 minutes ago

A girl told me I creeped her out - feeling depressed about it

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34 minutes ago

Problems sleeping with depression?

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