Thursday 10 May 2012

Hard On Fitness Challenge Your Thinking change your life



Challenge Your Thinking,  Change Your Life  Personal Trainer


Hard On Fitness Your Private Personal Training Studio Holland Park QLD


My name is Alan Lewis I am an experienced Personal Trainer and for over 15 years, I have been helping my Australian clients & overseas clients ditch the extra weight they have been carrying around 


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How many times have you said to yourself or someone you know? “I want to lose weight!”  Think back also, about how many times someone you know has said this same thing?


If I can tell you how to lose 10kg, would you find the time to read this article?


-         An article by Alan Lewis, Owner and Manager of Hard On Fitness, May 2012.





Challenge Your Thinking,  Change Your Life  Personal Trainer



Well, how can you lose 10kg?


If I told you that it was a special diet, and that this new special diet is on New York's 2012 most sold booklist, and it is being used by celebrities in Hollywood, and TV talk shows are raving about it...  would you want to be on this special diet as well?


I wish I could tell you that this is a sure-fire way to permanently lose 10kg, but how many times have you heard this or read about this type of diet?  Well, if you search the internet you’ll most likely find article after article about Hollywood stars on special diets.  I have been a Personal Trainer for over 15 years now and I have seen so many diets come and go, giving so many people hope that they’ll lose weight.  However, the world still has people who are obese and this obesity costs every country millions and millions (sometimes billions) of dollars in health problems every year.


Before I go any further, some persons reading this article may be overweight and may be thinking, “Here goes a personal trainer on his soap box again, saying it's a person’s own fault that they’re obese or overweight.” Well truly if you are thinking this, that’s not what this article is about, so please don’t think it. 


We all see the TV shows where there are heavily overweight people talking, crying and having all sorts of people tell them why they’re overweight.  Without a doubt, some of these TV shows have changed some contestant’s lives forever, and their personal stories have amazed us, inspired us and had us all at one time or another glued to our television set.  Where am I going with all this?  Well, these TV shows and special diets forget about many people.  Sadly most people who are overweight, can tell you about awkward and embarrassing moments where they feel, that everyone is watching them.  Well, there is an example of this that I would like to discuss with you further.

The Elevator Example


For an overweight person, the feeling of awkwardness and embarrassment, and feeling that everyone is watching them, may happen in an elevator.  The person feels that the dress or pair of pants they’re wearing makes them look fat, so they don't want to look sideways or behind themselves, in case someone is judging them.  If this has not happened to you, please don’t pretend you know how this feels.  For a minute now, let us look more closely at this situation and example of a group of persons in an elevator.


For argument’s sake, let’s remove the overweight person from the elevator.  Is everyone now left in the lift perfectly fit, or do they all have awesome abdominal and bicep muscles?  Well most likely not! 


There’s a man left in the elevator, who before stepping in the elevator was happy with himself and his appearance.  He thought he had great biceps and a great chest.  But, when he stepped in the elevator there was another bloke with bigger biceps and a bigger chest.  So now this man who thought he had a great body now feel's that he needs bigger biceps and a bigger chest.  I am sure this has happened to other gym goers before, at some stage or in some form.


I am going to stick with this elevator example.  This elevator could be almost any you would find going up and down, all day long, in any office building around the world.  Let's now look at the woman who jogs 3 to 4 times a week, goes to the gym regularly, eats well and dresses in the latest fashion styles.  Before she stepped in the elevator she had a quick look at her own reflection in the foyer mirror to check her hair, makeup and outfit.  When the elevator doors open, she steps in the elevator feeling great.  After the elevator doors close, she looks down at the shoes of the woman next to her.  She loves the style of them, and then having a further look she sees the woman has beautifully toned calves and slim hips.  She wonders to herself, "I jog at least 3 times a week and always make it to the gym twice a week, and this lady beside me has the bum and hips I always wished for!?”  Yes girls admit it, this has happen to you before! 


Let’s look at another person in the elevator.  It's a guy found in any workplace, or you may remember such a person from school.  It is the person who can eat anything, doesn’t exercise or train, but yet always stays thin.  Well most people think that these guys are happy.  However, through the gym we see many guys like this, and they want to put weight on, like the other guys with the big biceps and big chests.  They try and try, they eat lots of food, drink the protein drinks, go to the gym and pump out the weights but still they can't put on more weight.  This is very frustrating for them.  Over all these years I’ve been a Personal Trainer, I have seen some of these guys train even harder than bodybuilders and never miss a session.  However, when I'm watching all the weight-loss TV shows, I think to myself, “There are no reality TV shows to help these guys to be like a bodybuilder or achieve the look they desire”. Personal Trainer

Is your thinking making you unhappy?


Well by now, you are wondering, “Where am going with all of this?” 


Yes there are a lot of people who are overweight, and I have met many of them in my years of training Clients at the gym.  I have seen Clients who have been overweight come and go, and then come back for a while, just to see them leave again.  I have seen the same for persons who have wanted to put on muscle and become fit... come and then go.


However, on the other side I have seen some truly amazing transformations over the 15 years I have been a Personal Trainer.  I have seen Clients who have lost weight, or put on muscle, become much fitter, overcome barriers in their life and at the gym, but most importantly these Clients feel much better about themself!  I have been privileged to be there from the start, to see these changes and transformations, and this has changed not only my Clients lives, but changed my own life also for the better.  Here at Hard On Fitness, we are a nonjudgmental gym.  We teach you not to judge yourself too harshly, as we are our own harshest judges.


As the saying goes, “Don't read a book by its cover”, so remember we may look at someone who may be overweight and think, “Why don't you just get on a treadmill and stop eating so much!”.  We may judge others like this because we are unhappy with our own self.  Like in the elevator example, our calves, hips, biceps or chest may not be as great as the person standing beside us in the elevator.


Someone who is overweight has no right to be judged, but on the other hand, a very fit person also has a right to be fit.  If you do judge a book by its cover, you may think the skinny girl working in your office or attending your school, is happy.  This type of person may not be overweight, however they could be more unhappy with their body and themselves than someone who is overweight. 






To Conclude


To finish, I believe that we all judge ourselves more than ever before.  We always find something wrong with our work, our body or our lives.  How often do you say?  “I think I look great today!  My legs are great, and I love my biceps and chest!”  Isn’t it time that you start challenging the way you think about yourself?  And start being happier and more positive about who you are and the way you look!


My name is Alan Lewis, and my gym is called Hard On Fitness.  Being a personal trainer means a lot to me.  Yes one day, I will not be able to train clients, however when I no longer can, I will make sure that there are more personal trainers at Hard On Fitness to make sure more and more people c an become healthier and fitter.


Until then, if you’re overweight, or underweight, or want bigger biceps, or if you want your butt to look even better, or want someone to help motivate you and help you feel better about yourself, I am here at the gym and waiting to hear from you.  This job means a lot to me and I will never lie to you.


If I told you I can fix everyone’s problems, I would be lying to both you and myself.  Anyone can pick up endless numbers of books promising weight loss of 10kg, or books also helping us all to make a million dollars.  As you know there are many stories where people have shaken your hand and looked you in the eye, and promised you the world.  If you're a good Personal Trainer though, you learn fast.  Being a Personal Trainer is not just about shouting directions at Clients and assigning them heaps of push-ups, like on the reality TV shows.  It's more importantly about your Client’s mindset or state of mind!


So take the challenge today...

Challenge your thinking, and change your life!


Hard On Fitness Your Private Personal Training Studio Holland Park QLD


My name is Alan Lewis I am an experienced Personal Trainer and for over 15 years, I have been helping Brisbane residents to ditch the extra weight they have been carrying around  There is no faster way to accelerate your results than by having a personal trainer.

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If you have never exercised before you should seek your Doctors clearance before you star-t exercising. If you feel dizzy while training stop immediately and seek a Doctor's advice.

if you choose to participate in any exercise program or article that Hard On Fitness has publish you agree that it is entirely at your own risk.


For any injury, illness of adverse changes in medical condition directly or indirectly from any exercise program or instructions provided to me. From anyone part of owners or staff of Hard On Fitness I do at my own risk. I hereby waiver on my behalf of myself my heirs and executor’s hereafter liability against owners of Hard On Fitness, staff and any of their affiliat













Sunday 6 May 2012

Hard On Fitness Getting Fit With The Family


Getting Fit with the Family Hard On Fitness Personal Trainer


Hard On Fitness Your Private Personal Training Studio Holland Park QLD


My name is Alan Lewis I am an experienced Personal Trainer and for over 15 years, I have been helping Brisbane residents to ditch the extra weight they have been carrying around  There is no faster way to accelerate your results than by having a personal trainer.



If you have never exercised before you should seek your Doctors clearance before you star-t exercising. If you feel dizzy while training stop immediately and seek a Doctor's advice.

if you choose to participate in any exercise program or article that Hard On Fitness has publish you agree that it is entirely at your own risk.


For any injury, illness of adverse changes in medical condition directly or indirectly from any exercise program or instructions provided to me. From anyone part of owners or staff of Hard On Fitness I do at my own risk. I hereby waiver on my behalf of myself my heirs and executor’s hereafter liability against owners of Hard On Fitness, staff and any of their affiliates.


"Your Goals Are Our Goals"  Personal Trainer

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Getting Fit with the Family Hard On Fitness


ü  (Important)

·         Always read our (Disclaimers & Warnings  ) Above.

·         Remember anyone who has chosen to perform this program should always take responsibility for their own health.

·          Children should be supervised by an adult at all times.  

·         Only perform each exercise to your (Age & Ability) Remember this is a fun program for a family to get fit together & not a competition.


ü  (Important)

Always remember safety should come first. 

(Safety Check List)

·         First Aid Kit. 

·         Mobile Phone for Emergency Services.

·         In closed Shoes.

·         Check surroundings for a safe place to (Train)

·         Always supervise children

·         (Water) (Hat) (Sunscreen)


·         You can modify each exercise to (Numbers of family members  & Age)


Getting Fit with the Family Hard On Fitness


·         Warm-up

·         (when exercising make sure that you- perform correct technique.  If you are not sure of how to perform correct   technique get advice by a Personal Trainer


(Cardio Warm up)

1.        (Jogging) (5 Minutes) the (Hole Family) together. Find somewhere safe to perform this


·         Warm up Stretching

Body Stretches.

·         (when stretching make sure that you perform correct technique.  If you are not sure of how to perform correct   technique get advice by a Personal Trainer








·          (when exercising make sure that you- perform correct technique.  If you are not sure of how to perform correct   technique get advice by a Personal Trainer



1.  (25 Meters - Family Relay)

Find somewhere safe to perform this exercise.


The family stands behind each other in a strait, line.

 The Family member who is at the head of the start of the 25 meter run will be the first runner.

The First (Runner) will (Run 25meterts) then perform (1 Push up)  Then the runner will run back and go to the end of the (Family line


Lay down a marker so the runner knows where to stop) 

Each family member will perform this until the first runner is back at the start of the line.

2. (Squat Jumps)  (3 sets) (10 reps)

3. (Push-ups) (3 sets) (10 Reps) Find somewhere safe to perform this exercise.

4. (Dips)  (3 sets) (10 reps) Find somewhere safe to perform this exercise.

5.  (10 Minutes) (Fast Walk)

                                (Warm Down)

6. (5 Minutes) (Slow Walk)

·         Warm Down Stretching

Body Stretches.

·         (when stretching make sure that you perform correct technique.  If you are not sure of how to perform correct   technique get advice by a Personal Trainer