Tuesday 26 November 2019

NEWS article Reminder Pick of the Week Holland Park 4121 QLD Hard On Fitness Australia NEWS

5 top types of yoga and their benefits explained
With the health benefits widely preached, it's no wonder yoga is growing in popularity. In the last year alone, there's been a 26 per cent increase in women searching for yoga, with those aged 45-54 dominating interest. But when faced with a class list longer than your mat, choosing a yoga class can be confusing to un-initiated. Fortunately, we've spoken to five top yogis from different disciplines, so you can get the best stretch for you. 1.Hatha The UK's most popular style, hatha traditionally

Read in Eat Healthy: https://apple.news/AHu0VL2WUMj-oYUEvnKyMvA

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