Sunday 7 April 2013

Squash Fitness


Personal Trainer

Hard On Fitness


Squash Fitness



Squash is unique, because it requires its participants to blend four different fitness categories: 

    • aerobic fitness
    • flexibility
    • strength
    • mental fortitude



Squash players like tennis players,  need to have aerobic fitness to allow them to run and swing for an hour or more, flexibility to reach deep rails and tight drop shots, strength to control their racquet and hit the ball with power, and mental fortitude to "stay in" a long match.  A good squash training program should help to strengthen all of these aspects of a player's game, and players should also be willing to focus more exclusively on those aspects of their squash fitness that are weak.

Aerobic Fitness

Of the four types of squash fitness, aerobic fitness is perhaps the easiest to understand.  It basically means that you can run around the court for an entire match, while not tiring yourself out to the point of exhaustion depending on what level your playing at, Higher the level or grade more energy will be needed.    

Getting aerobically fit 

takes some time,



1.  If you can get  your heart rate to 75% this is a good aerobic threshold.

2. Achieving and maintaining aerobic fitness will allow you to enjoy squash more and will also help prevent injuries. Walk/

    • Jog/Run

  Ride a Bike Play other sports, like soccer, basketball, Tuch Foot Ball,



Can decrease your chance of injury and increase your ability to frustrate your opponent with great gets!


But make sure that you stretch both BEFORE and AFTER you play (before to prevent injury, and after to prevent soreness.)  Don't forget to stretch your whole body: 


    • Calves
    • Upper legs (hamstrings and quadriceps)
    • Hip Flexor and Butt Muscle
    • Lower back
    • Shoulders
    • Arms
    • Wrists and Forearms
    • Neck

Stretching can be an easy thing to omit from squash, but it is very important, does not take very long, and must not be overlooked! 

It may add 20 minutes to your program however it will allow you body to recover faster and it may allow you to play for more years.

Being strong is a important part of all sports.                  


To hit a squash ball with power takes strength.  Strong legs move you to the ball, a strong torso rotates completely before the swing, and a strong arm and shoulder steady the racquet through impact.  Squash uses a unique set of muscles, so one of the best ways to get stronger for squash is to simply play

PROGRAM Personal Trainer

GYM  Program


·        Warm-UP


Exercise                               Time         Speed                                             Rest

Cross Trainer      10Min     Mid Pace                                          Nil


·        Stretching 

Exercises                         Time

Full Body                  5Min  to 10Min


·        Program

Exercise                                             Reps                     Sets                       Weight                                Rest

Bench Press                          6                           5                          LIGHT                                  30SEC

d/B Squats                             6                         5                           Light                                   30sec

Bench Dips                            6                            5                         Light                                 30min

Calf Rises                               6                            5                         Light                                30sec

D?B Biceps Curls                  6                             5                        Light                               30sec




·        Cardio

Exercise                              Time                     Speed                   Rest 

Rower                  2Min                     Fast                         1min   

Bike                      2Min                    Fast                       1Min    

Stepper                2min                     Fast                       1min

2 rounds.


·        If there is a room to go into.


·        Cardio For Room

Exercise                              Time                     Speed                   Rest

Side Run               30Sec                    Fast      Side to side of room

Foreword            30sec                    Fast        Front to Back of room

Cross . Cross       30Sec                   Fast        Front back side runns

Each one must be done after each exercise finish  3 rounds  1 Minute rest between each round.


·        Warm Down

Exercise                              Time                     Pace

Bike                        10Min                 Slow


·        Stretching

Exercise                              Time 

Full Body              5mim to 10min


I NEED A   Personal Trainer


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650 Cavendish Road, Holland Park, 4121 Queensland.

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