Monday 17 December 2012

Christmas 2012


Christmas 2012

Personal Trainer

Yes it's holiday season again, when we spend lots of money and our bank balance goes down, and we all seem to put on 2 or 3 kilos.  Most of us wish it was the other way around, with our bank balance going up and losing 2 or 3 kilos!  However, it's a special time of the year, catching up with family members and friends, some that we seem to only see every 12 months.  We have some healthy ideas for you to use over the holiday season.  The plan we have put together is not to restrict everything, however, if you can keep to this plan it could just help keep your kilos down.


Here at HOF, we wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.  We especially wish all our Clients and social media readers a wonderful Christmas and New Year period also.  And we hope to see you in the new season. Personal Trainer


Hard On Fitness would like to let you know that we have exciting new programs for weight loss, strength, and specific training for 2013.





From the Gym Floor


Shane caught up with Alan from Hard On Fitness, to get his thoughts about the Christmas and New Year period.




Hi Alan, what do you think are some important issues facing us over Christmas and the holiday season?

Alan Personal Trainer

The most important thing is that we all keep safe over the holidays when travelling.  This doesn't just mean when we are travelling out of state, it means when leaving anywhere, from a party, or even just a quick drive to pick up that last minute gift.  Always remember, don't drink and drive!  Always rest if you're driving long distances, don't speed and always be aware of what you’re doing and what is around you while driving.  We all seem to rush over the holiday period.  But remember, the most special gift is not what is wrapped, but arriving safely at your destination and all being together, and spending valuable time together.


Also, another important thing is to check up on people who are lonely, who are elderly or have disability to see that they are ok.  Christmas and New Years can be a very lonely period for some people, and these people may need you companionship and support.






What are some healthy foods we can buy for Christmas?


Fruits and vegetables, whichever ones are in season, because Mother Nature knows which ones we should be eating.  Try some healthier, but interesting nibbles for guests and family.  These healthier options can still be tasty.  There are many healthy ideas and recipes on the internet these days.


Create your own sweets, this way you can reduce and limit the amounts of fats and sugar.  If having breads, look for the ones with the most seeds, and which have the most health benefits.



Overeating is a problem at Christmas, how can we avoid it?


The number one problem at Christmas is that everyone eats so much, that they feel so full like their stomach is going to burst! 


It seems during these holiday periods that we always serve food up in the middle of the table where everybody’s eating.  A great way to still enjoy your food on Christmas day, is not to serve the food up in front of you on the table.  Serve the food up somewhere else, away from the dining table, and then take it to the dining table.  This way you will find that most people will eat slower, feel fuller, rest before having more and also talk to each other more.  This way they will be less likely to return for seconds and even thirds of food.


There is a primal instinct to eat as much food as possible, especially for males, as it may not be known when their next meal could be, also to maintain strength for the days ahead, and also to fight and hunt.





What are your thoughts about alcohol consumption over the Christmas holiday season?


I think in the modern day, we all already have an awareness of alcohol and its affects.  But as we know, at different times people can get caught up and not be aware of how much they’ve been drinking.  As I said, the main thing is staying safe!  Be aware of how much you're drinking and how you’re feeling.  Most regular drinkers know when they are crossing the line.  This is where it is up to us to acknowledge this, and be aware to stop at this stage.  If you cross the line, you can lose complete control, can harm your health and even harm others.


But, this is not an article to stop you drinking, it is just to say to always be aware, enjoy your drink but not too much, and always stay safe.


Remember, the alcopops drinks are very tasty, however, if you have a good read of the label on the bottle, the amounts of sugar may alarm you.  With all that sugar, it would take a very long and hard training session to burn all those kilojoules off!  This goes for spirits also, which are commonly consumed with sugary cola.


One main thing you should always know.  It is bad to drink alcohol when eating fatty foods, as the fats will be stored in the body.  Another very important tip, is to always drink water when consuming alcohol.  This will keep you hydrated, and help the kidneys and stomach process the alcohol and clean your system.


Another final reminder, please don’t drink and drive!


Alan Lewis   Personal Trainer    

If you feel you need help, 

Lifeline Services

Lifeline Services. 13 11 14 – 24hr Telephone Crisis Support ...


Overview » Need Help? » - The Salvation Army

If you need help with a personal or practical issue, The Salvation Army may be able to assist you. We offer a wide range of humanitarian programs and services

Hard On Fitness Your Private Personal Training Studio Holland Park QLD


My name is Alan Lewis I am an experienced Personal Trainer and for over 15 years, I have been helping Brisbane residents to ditch the extra weight they have been carrying around  There is no faster way to accelerate your results than by having a personal trainer.





If you or your child have never exercised before, you should seek your Doctor’s clearance before starting exercise.  If you feel dizzy while training stop immediately and seek a Doctor’s advice.

Hard On Fitness management believes safety always is the first priority when exercising.
If you choose to participate in any exercise program or article Hard On Fitness has published, you agree that it is entirely at your own risk.

For any injury, illness or adverse changes in medical condition directly or indirectly from any exercise program or instructions provided to me from any owners or staff of Hard On Fitness, I hereby waiver on my behalf, my heirs and my executors hereafter any liability against owners of Hard On Fitness, its staff and any of its affiliates or investors.

Any third party websites, videos or products, brands or trademarks listed in any Hard On Fitness documents or online content are the sole property of their respective owner.  No affiliation or endorsement is intended or implied.

2012 Hard On Fitness – (Social Media)
Code of Conduct

Hard On Fitness expects users of our FaceBook pages or any of our sites to be respectful.
• Do NOT post comments or content in any form that contains vulgar or abusive language, offensive terms, or personal attacks of any kind.
• Do NOT defame, stalk, threaten, or otherwise violate the legal rights (such as rights of privacy or publicity) of others.
• Do NOT post comments that are SPAM, are clearly “off topic,” or that promote third-party products or services.
• Do NOT infringe on any third party’s copyright or other proprietary rights, or upload any files that contain viruses, corrupted files, or any other similar software or programs that may damage the operation of another’s computer.
• Do NOT advertise or promote any specific business opportunity, or solicit any investment or transaction on Hard On Fitness Facebook or social media sites, or provide a link to any such advertisement, promotion, or solicitation.
• Do NOT post or send us any ideas, suggestions, or submissions that you wish to keep confidential or for which you expect to receive compensation in the event of our use or otherwise.

Hard On Fitness has the right to remove content that violates its Code of Conduct and to block abusive users.

Copyright, Privacy and Other Policies

Hard On Fitness respects the intellectual property of others, and it is our policy to investigate and respond to legitimate claims of copyright and other intellectual property infringement.  To report an alleged infringement or defamatory conduct, please submit a “general inquiry” through the Hard On Fitness online form.
As well, Hard On Fitness Management will notify the suitable authorities if they believe legal action needs to be taken.

In the case of Hard On Fitness Facebook Page and social media sites, “relevant content” is generally considered to directly relate to a discussion about a wider variety of topics on Health & Fitness.

Hard On Fitness encourages respectful and positive contributions to its FaceBook Page and social media sites, and to identify and discourage inappropriate content.

All users must comply with Facebook’s Terms of Use. Users must comply with the Hard On Fitness Legal Disclaimer that governs all  Hard On Fitness websites and Social Media Channels. If Hard On Fitness collects personally identifiable information from Hard On Fitness Facebook pages or social media channels, our use of that information is governed by our Privacy Policy – Hard On Fitness.

650 Cavendish Road, Holland Park, 4121 Queensland.

©Hard on Fitness 2011 - All rights reserved










Christmas 2013

Christmas 2013

Personal Trainer

Yes it's holiday season again, when we spend lots of money and our bank balance goes down, and we all seem to put on 2 or 3 kilos.  Most of us wish it was the other way around, with our bank balance going up and losing 2 or 3 kilos!  However, it's a special time of the year, catching up with family members and friends, some that we seem to only see every 12 months.  We have some healthy ideas for you to use over the holiday season.  The plan we have put together is not to restrict everything, however, if you can keep to this plan it could just help keep your kilos down.


Here at HOF, we wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.  We especially wish all our Clients and social media readers a wonderful Christmas and New Year period also.  And we hope to see you in the new season. Personal Trainer


Hard On Fitness would like to let you know that we have exciting new programs for weight loss, strength, and specific training for 2013.





From the Gym Floor


Shane caught up with Alan from Hard On Fitness, to get his thoughts about the Christmas and New Year period.




Hi Alan, what do you think are some important issues facing us over Christmas and the holiday season?

Alan Personal Trainer

The most important thing is that we all keep safe over the holidays when travelling.  This doesn't just mean when we are travelling out of state, it means when leaving anywhere, from a party, or even just a quick drive to pick up that last minute gift.  Always remember, don't drink and drive!  Always rest if you're driving long distances, don't speed and always be aware of what you’re doing and what is around you while driving.  We all seem to rush over the holiday period.  But remember, the most special gift is not what is wrapped, but arriving safely at your destination and all being together, and spending valuable time together.


Also, another important thing is to check up on people who are lonely, who are elderly or have disability to see that they are ok.  Christmas and New Years can be a very lonely period for some people, and these people may need you companionship and support.






What are some healthy foods we can buy for Christmas?


Fruits and vegetables, whichever ones are in season, because Mother Nature knows which ones we should be eating.  Try some healthier, but interesting nibbles for guests and family.  These healthier options can still be tasty.  There are many healthy ideas and recipes on the internet these days.


Create your own sweets, this way you can reduce and limit the amounts of fats and sugar.  If having breads, look for the ones with the most seeds, and which have the most health benefits.



Overeating is a problem at Christmas, how can we avoid it?


The number one problem at Christmas is that everyone eats so much, that they feel so full like their stomach is going to burst! 


It seems during these holiday periods that we always serve food up in the middle of the table where everybody’s eating.  A great way to still enjoy your food on Christmas day, is not to serve the food up in front of you on the table.  Serve the food up somewhere else, away from the dining table, and then take it to the dining table.  This way you will find that most people will eat slower, feel fuller, rest before having more and also talk to each other more.  This way they will be less likely to return for seconds and even thirds of food.


There is a primal instinct to eat as much food as possible, especially for males, as it may not be known when their next meal could be, also to maintain strength for the days ahead, and also to fight and hunt.





What are your thoughts about alcohol consumption over the Christmas holiday season?


I think in the modern day, we all already have an awareness of alcohol and its affects.  But as we know, at different times people can get caught up and not be aware of how much they’ve been drinking.  As I said, the main thing is staying safe!  Be aware of how much you're drinking and how you’re feeling.  Most regular drinkers know when they are crossing the line.  This is where it is up to us to acknowledge this, and be aware to stop at this stage.  If you cross the line, you can lose complete control, can harm your health and even harm others.


But, this is not an article to stop you drinking, it is just to say to always be aware, enjoy your drink but not too much, and always stay safe.


Remember, the alcopops drinks are very tasty, however, if you have a good read of the label on the bottle, the amounts of sugar may alarm you.  With all that sugar, it would take a very long and hard training session to burn all those kilojoules off!  This goes for spirits also, which are commonly consumed with sugary cola.


One main thing you should always know.  It is bad to drink alcohol when eating fatty foods, as the fats will be stored in the body.  Another very important tip, is to always drink water when consuming alcohol.  This will keep you hydrated, and help the kidneys and stomach process the alcohol and clean your system.


Another final reminder, please don’t drink and drive!


Alan Lewis   Personal Trainer    

If you feel you need help, 

Lifeline Services

Lifeline Services. 13 11 14 – 24hr Telephone Crisis Support ...


Overview » Need Help? » - The Salvation Army

If you need help with a personal or practical issue, The Salvation Army may be able to assist you. We offer a wide range of humanitarian programs and services

Hard On Fitness Your Private Personal Training Studio Holland Park QLD


My name is Alan Lewis I am an experienced Personal Trainer and for over 15 years, I have been helping Brisbane residents to ditch the extra weight they have been carrying around  There is no faster way to accelerate your results than by having a personal trainer.





If you or your child have never exercised before, you should seek your Doctor’s clearance before starting exercise.  If you feel dizzy while training stop immediately and seek a Doctor’s advice.

Hard On Fitness management believes safety always is the first priority when exercising.
If you choose to participate in any exercise program or article Hard On Fitness has published, you agree that it is entirely at your own risk.

For any injury, illness or adverse changes in medical condition directly or indirectly from any exercise program or instructions provided to me from any owners or staff of Hard On Fitness, I hereby waiver on my behalf, my heirs and my executors hereafter any liability against owners of Hard On Fitness, its staff and any of its affiliates or investors.

Any third party websites, videos or products, brands or trademarks listed in any Hard On Fitness documents or online content are the sole property of their respective owner.  No affiliation or endorsement is intended or implied.

2012 Hard On Fitness – (Social Media)
Code of Conduct

Hard On Fitness expects users of our FaceBook pages or any of our sites to be respectful.
• Do NOT post comments or content in any form that contains vulgar or abusive language, offensive terms, or personal attacks of any kind.
• Do NOT defame, stalk, threaten, or otherwise violate the legal rights (such as rights of privacy or publicity) of others.
• Do NOT post comments that are SPAM, are clearly “off topic,” or that promote third-party products or services.
• Do NOT infringe on any third party’s copyright or other proprietary rights, or upload any files that contain viruses, corrupted files, or any other similar software or programs that may damage the operation of another’s computer.
• Do NOT advertise or promote any specific business opportunity, or solicit any investment or transaction on Hard On Fitness Facebook or social media sites, or provide a link to any such advertisement, promotion, or solicitation.
• Do NOT post or send us any ideas, suggestions, or submissions that you wish to keep confidential or for which you expect to receive compensation in the event of our use or otherwise.

Hard On Fitness has the right to remove content that violates its Code of Conduct and to block abusive users.

Copyright, Privacy and Other Policies

Hard On Fitness respects the intellectual property of others, and it is our policy to investigate and respond to legitimate claims of copyright and other intellectual property infringement.  To report an alleged infringement or defamatory conduct, please submit a “general inquiry” through the Hard On Fitness online form.
As well, Hard On Fitness Management will notify the suitable authorities if they believe legal action needs to be taken.

In the case of Hard On Fitness Facebook Page and social media sites, “relevant content” is generally considered to directly relate to a discussion about a wider variety of topics on Health & Fitness.

Hard On Fitness encourages respectful and positive contributions to its FaceBook Page and social media sites, and to identify and discourage inappropriate content.

All users must comply with Facebook’s Terms of Use. Users must comply with the Hard On Fitness Legal Disclaimer that governs all  Hard On Fitness websites and Social Media Channels. If Hard On Fitness collects personally identifiable information from Hard On Fitness Facebook pages or social media channels, our use of that information is governed by our Privacy Policy – Hard On Fitness.

650 Cavendish Road, Holland Park, 4121 Queensland.

©Hard on Fitness 2011 - All rights reserved










Thursday 13 December 2012

`Coping With Christmas Hard On Fitness

Hard On Fitness Your Private Personal Training Studio Holland Park QLD


My name is Alan Lewis I am an experienced Personal Trainer and for over 15 years, I have been helping Brisbane residents to ditch the extra weight they have been carrying around  There is no faster way to accelerate your results than by having a personal trainer.

Coping With Christmas

For most people the Christmas period is a time for tremendous happiness and celebration.  However, for some though Christmas can be a time of incredible loneliness, stress and/or sadness. The following are the results of a MORI poll about Christmas.

  • One in three people have negative feelings about Christmas including feeling depressed, alone or angry.


  • One in five find Christmas stressful or a source of anxiety.


  • Although around half the people questioned love Christmas, almost one in ten hate Christmas.


So with Christmas approaching the following are some tips on how to cope through the Christmas period.



Coping with Christmas Finances


  • Plan your Christmas budget, and stick to it. You need to budget for gifts, extra consumption and a few luxuries.


  • Shop early for gifts. This spreads your spending over a few months rather than a few days, and also limits costly last minute purchases. Also shops are very busy at Christmas, as we all know, which can be very stressful - so get your Christmas shopping done early and beat the rush.


  • Don’t overspend and do limit your credit card purchases. Don’t spend beyond what you can actually really afford!  Don’t feel pressured to overspend.


  • Try and think of cheap gifts or even make some gifts. You can also give a gift of your time eg. offer your help with home duties etc.  And as it’s usually said about gift giving – “it’s the thought that counts”.


Coping with Christmas Overindulgence


For those watching your waistline, steer yourself towards the low fat, healthier options. Reach for light crackers and lean meats like chicken and turkey which haven’t been fried.    Alan Lewis Personal Trainer

  • Prepare a lot of vegetables and/or delicious salads to have with your Christmas roasts etc.


  • Try to limit your overeating.


  • Try to increase the amount of exercise you do over Christmas to counteract any overindulgences.



Coping with Christmas Stress & Anxiety


  • A good way of dealing with stress and anxiety is to use relaxation – so pamper yourself, spend a little money on yourself over Christmas- a massage, facial or new hairstyle perhaps. Even consider a pre-Christmas break or a relaxing book.


  • Plan in advance what activities you are going to participate in during the Christmas period and most importantly plan your Chrismas day activities. And remember, don’t try and do too much – this can be very stressful for some.


  • Take things slowly. Take some time during Christmas just to “be in the moment” and try and feel the enjoyment and fun of Christmas. Try and enjoy your time spent with your friends and family.


  • If you need, ask your family to help and support you through the Christmas period. They can help minimise the stress and pressures put on you during this period. 


  • Remember to just be yourself and don’t be too stressed by other peoples’ expectations of you. 


  • Christmas gatherings are normally noisy with boistrous  children etc. so if you’re  needing to get away from the noise etc., just take a break in a quiet area and resume with your festivities later on.



Now in conclusion, there are probably hundreds more tips around about how to cope during Christmas, but hopefully some of these tips here can help. But hopefully even if they’re not that helpful, your brain may be jolted into thinking about how you yourself can attempt to cope during your Christmas period.


By Shane

Alan Lewis   Personal Trainer    

If you feel you need help, 

Lifeline Services

Lifeline Services. 13 11 14 – 24hr Telephone Crisis Support ...


Overview » Need Help? » - The Salvation Army

If you need help with a personal or practical issue, The Salvation Army may be able to assist you. We offer a wide range of humanitarian programs and services





If you or your child have never exercised before, you should seek your Doctor’s clearance before starting exercise.  If you feel dizzy while training stop immediately and seek a Doctor’s advice.

Hard On Fitness management believes safety always is the first priority when exercising.
If you choose to participate in any exercise program or article Hard On Fitness has published, you agree that it is entirely at your own risk.

For any injury, illness or adverse changes in medical condition directly or indirectly from any exercise program or instructions provided to me from any owners or staff of Hard On Fitness, I hereby waiver on my behalf, my heirs and my executors hereafter any liability against owners of Hard On Fitness, its staff and any of its affiliates or investors.

Any third party websites, videos or products, brands or trademarks listed in any Hard On Fitness documents or online content are the sole property of their respective owner.  No affiliation or endorsement is intended or implied.

2012 Hard On Fitness – (Social Media)
Code of Conduct

Hard On Fitness expects users of our FaceBook pages or any of our sites to be respectful.
• Do NOT post comments or content in any form that contains vulgar or abusive language, offensive terms, or personal attacks of any kind.
• Do NOT defame, stalk, threaten, or otherwise violate the legal rights (such as rights of privacy or publicity) of others.
• Do NOT post comments that are SPAM, are clearly “off topic,” or that promote third-party products or services.
• Do NOT infringe on any third party’s copyright or other proprietary rights, or upload any files that contain viruses, corrupted files, or any other similar software or programs that may damage the operation of another’s computer.
• Do NOT advertise or promote any specific business opportunity, or solicit any investment or transaction on Hard On Fitness Facebook or social media sites, or provide a link to any such advertisement, promotion, or solicitation.
• Do NOT post or send us any ideas, suggestions, or submissions that you wish to keep confidential or for which you expect to receive compensation in the event of our use or otherwise.

Hard On Fitness has the right to remove content that violates its Code of Conduct and to block abusive users.

Copyright, Privacy and Other Policies

Hard On Fitness respects the intellectual property of others, and it is our policy to investigate and respond to legitimate claims of copyright and other intellectual property infringement.  To report an alleged infringement or defamatory conduct, please submit a “general inquiry” through the Hard On Fitness online form.
As well, Hard On Fitness Management will notify the suitable authorities if they believe legal action needs to be taken.

In the case of Hard On Fitness Facebook Page and social media sites, “relevant content” is generally considered to directly relate to a discussion about a wider variety of topics on Health & Fitness.

Hard On Fitness encourages respectful and positive contributions to its FaceBook Page and social media sites, and to identify and discourage inappropriate content.

All users must comply with Facebook’s Terms of Use. Users must comply with the Hard On Fitness Legal Disclaimer that governs all  Hard On Fitness websites and Social Media Channels. If Hard On Fitness collects personally identifiable information from Hard On Fitness Facebook pages or social media channels, our use of that information is governed by our Privacy Policy – Hard On Fitness.

650 Cavendish Road, Holland Park, 4121 Queensland.

©Hard on Fitness 2011 - All rights reserved