Thursday 9 February 2012

Thursday 2 February 2012

Great Outdoor Fitness Program

If you’re looking for some motivation to get active, I’ve designed an outdoor fitness program for a great session. Hi it’s Alan Lewis from Hard On Fitness, I am an experienced Personal Trainer for over 15 years. 
This session is a 45-minute workout, great before you take on the day.  It’s great to get outdoors in the fresh air, especially if you work inside all day, this is your time to be outside and enjoy the fresh start. 
The best thing about this fitness program is that you can train by yourself or with a group of people. This is a great program to burn some fast calories & activate those fast twitch muscle fibres.
Handy Hints Before you Start Your Fitness session
·       Always make sure that you have water handy for when you need to have a drink.
·       This is a great program you can do in your own backyard if you have the space.
·       If you’re driving or walking to your ideal exercise location, it's always great to have a small First AID Kit in your car. Incase of any injury to yourself or any of your training partners

Warm Up
·       (5 minute)

·       Make sure the area you choose to jog in is safe.  Also make sure that your exercise shoes have good support.


·       Have a small stretch session to avoid any injury
·       If you’re unsure of how to stretch, make sure you get some advice from a personal trainer or exercise professional.

The Program

For this program you will need to find a grassy area make sure there is no sharp objects as you will be up & down on the ground.
Exercise 1
Burpee's - For this exercise you will be doing (3 set's of Burpee's) Each set is to failure.   limit your rest to about 1 or 2minutes, depending  on your fitness you can increase length  of  time that you rest depending on your level of fitness. As you get fitter decrease the rest time,
If you have never done Burpee's before make sure someone advises you on how to perform them.   

Exercise 2
Squat jump's. (3 sets to failure)    
Limit your rest to about 1 or 2 minutes, depending on your fitness you can increase length of time that you rest depending on your level of fitness.  As you get fitter decrees the rest time.

Exercise 3
Bench Dip's (3 set's to failure)
Limit your rest to about 1or 2 minutes, depending on your fitness you can increase length of time that you rest depending on your level of fitness.  As you get fitter decrease the rest time.
·       With this (Exercise) you can find a park bench seat or something the height of your knee in the area that you are training.

Exercise 4 
·       100 Meters sprint
2-minute rest or longer depending on your fitness.
·       50 Meter's sprint
1-minute rest depending on your fitness.
·       15 Meter's sprint
·       150 Meter’s slow walk.
·        This is a warm down, this will allow your heart rate to come down. A warm down is just as important then a warm up. A warm down lets your body know that exercise has finish and your body & mind will slow every thing down in your body just like taking your foot off the accelerator in your car,

If you have never exercised before you should seek your Doctors clearance before you start exercising. If you feel dizzy while training stop immediatelyand seek a Doctor's advice.
Disclaimer if you choose to participate in any exercise program that Hard On Fitness has publish you agree that it is entirely at your own risk.
Disclaimer For any injury, illness of adverse changes in medical condition directly or indirectly from any exercise program or instructions provided to me. From anyone part of owners or staff of Hard On Fitness I do at my own risk. I here by waiver on my behalf of my self my heirs and executor’s hereafter liability against owners of Hard On Fitness, staff and any of their affiliates.